Saturday 27 October 2007

Looking North through ''Migrant Alley''

The River Bourne Running Through Hadlow College

A Flailed Hedgrow Worthless as a Habitat or Winter Food Source

A ''Proper'' Hedgerow

An Albino Squiirel - a bit blurred !!

The weather for the day started as the previous few have - dull and cool. By the time I had finished the four hour circuit of the patch,it was sunny and warm. I took along a camera today, but as i'm yet to learn how to use it the pics are pretty ropey! I've put some on anyway. Birdwise I recorded 44 species, not bad for an october day, winter thrushes were much in evidence, as were GOLDCREST, there seemed to be one in every tree and bush. Flyovers included CORMORANT and a lone BRAMBLING, a few B H GULLS flew south along with 5 HERRING GULLS. I was a bit surprised to hear a SONG THRUSH singing - a bit early?


Whoopi said...

Nice comparison of hedgerows. Perhaps some people who like "tidy" hedgerows may think again.
Is there a better way of addressing the need to cut back hedges. The current system seems to make such a mess of hedgerows and why do it on both sides if only 1 side faces the road? And why keep hedges so low?

Steve said...

I agree - interesting hedgerow pictures. I had two albino squirrel near me last year - they didn't last long....I read that they get predated very quickly as they are so obvious - how long have you had yours?

Warren Baker said...

Hi steve - there are several white squirrels around my patch, even got one in the school grounds. I have found 2 dead - run over in the last year. I think there is a stong albino gene in yhe local squirrel community.

Adam said...

There was an albino squirrel on the research station site for a couple of years. More recently an albino rabbit often seen just west of Nettlstead Place along the River Medway path, how it's avoided the Buzzards I'll never know!
