First port of call was the tree nursery via Ashes lane, it took a while for the birds to show, but they slowly emerged into the sunlight, MAGPIE, ROBIN, WOODPIGEON, GREAT TIT, JACKDAW, CHAFFINCH, STARLING, and DUNNOCK all went into the notebook straight off, and in the tree nursery I saw the flock of LINNETS leave their roost, not so many today, but I think I missed most of them as I was a bit late out today. Also in the nursery PHEASANT, BLACKBIRD, REDWING, WREN, and BLUE TIT were seen, while flyovers at that point included COLLARED DOVE, FIELDFARE, and CARRION CROW, as I looked back towards the Greenhouse complex I picked up the KESTREL, in its usual hunting place.
Walking on towards Migrant Alley, along the hedge and sheep pasture, SONGTHRUSH, GOLDFINCH, and HOUSE SPARROW were seen, a JAY screeched from a nearby garden, and flyovers from LESSER BLACK BACKED GULL and SKYLARK were had. Lots more Redwing were in the sheep pasture.
At Migrant Alley, as well as seeing hundreds more Fieldfare and Redwing on the horse paddocks and pasture, the more expected ROOKS and BLACK HEADED GULLS were added to the day list.
Onto the College Grounds and gardens, more common species were added, GREENFINCH, GOLDCREST, GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER, BULLFINCH, GREEN WOODPECKER, and SISKIN, whilst COMMON GULL was seen as I crossed the sports pitch on the journey back.
The second half of my walk started with 36 species on my list, and I thought I would get at least 6 more, it started well enough, and LONG TAILED TIT was noted in the Small Holding, but I couldn't find a Treecreeper anywhere today! MOORHEN was the only bird seen in the wet woods that wasn't already on my list, but COAL TIT, NUTHATCH, and PIED WAGTAIL all called as I went along the footpath that leads to the lake. The lake itself was partially frozen, and all that was seen on it were two MALLARDS.
I walked back home along the edge of the wet woods and marchants field, finding the LITTLE OWL at roost, and as I crossed the field to get to ashes lane a couple of nice flyover species were added, LAPWING, SPARROWHAWK, and probable bird of the day COMMON BUZZARD.
In the end 46 species were recorded, and some nice birds on the list today, but nothing new for the year/month was seen. A 47th species was added from the garden later in the afternoon, when a BRAMBLING visited the feeders, another candidate for bird of the day!
I took lots of pics today here are a selection, some are ok, others well.......

Glad to hear the weather picked up for you Warren, its been a gorgeous day over here too.
Great photos (again!), can't believe you got a Brambling in your garden - send him over to my garden if he gets bored with yours!
A nice selection of birds on your list today Warren and some lovely photos. I think the huge amount of Bramblings we had in the garden two years ago were a fluke, not a sign of one since...if only I'd had a decent camera then...!
some nice pics today warren. makes a difference to have decent light doesn't it!
Warren: What a wonderful display of birds and the lovely fox. You sure got some neat captures of the birds in flight. I love that Green Woodpecker.
Hi Warren,
What a day you got mate! SO many species and what a set of pictures. I love the green woodpecker and the fox! Well done... We got a splendid day today and we went south with a birding pal, and I managed to get 4 more species on the list, gannet, Iceland gull, scaup and gyr falcon (42 now).... Got some fantastic shots of landscape with awesome light.... I hope I can treat everything before the end of the week... This 50D is a marvelous tool!
A good tour round Warren, and some good pic's as evidence....great stuff!
Glad you finally got some sunshine! Your green woodpecker looks almost like a hybrid of the Lewis's and acorn woodpeckers I chased after today. No photos from my end, though - still to dreary over here.
A good set of shots there Warren.
Like you say, the weather was decent, but the birding was far from that. Well it was up here.
Hi again Warren, I wonder if you would mind popping over to Karen's site to help with an ID? The address is below.
Thanks :)
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