A turn around with the weather again today, it was clear, cold and frosty this morning, but once the sun was up it turned much warmer.
During the four hour full patch walk, a total of 47 species were found, but the ''Migrant Shield'' that sits over my patch is still holding strong, and so new migrant species were noted :-) Of the summer species that have arrived, there were 3 singing BLACKCAPS over at the Scrubby Woods, and two more along the College Stream. Four CHIFFCHAFFS were singing from The Scrubby Woods, with three at The College Grounds, one at the Wooded Headland to the north of Migrant Alley, and one more at the Small Holding.
I met up with female and male SPARROWHAWKS on various parts of my patch, and again watched the KESTREL hunting, which allowed me some photo's today, the other raptor species were two plus a single COMMON BUZZARD, the single one gave good views as it went from perch to perch across the Tree Nursery and finally into the Wet Woods.
The lakes were much the same as yesterday, but with an increase to 17 CANADA GEESE, the BARNACLE GOOSE was also with them. Whilst sitting and listening in the nearby Scrubby Woods, the first
54) for the month sped by, heading towards the main lake, I wasn't quite expecting that here! The likes of NUTHATCH, TREECREEPER, COAL TIT and GOLDCREST were seen as expected, but not Bullfinch today.
Flyovers of note today were two GREYLAG GEESE, 8 BLACK HEADED GULLS, 2 HERRING GULLS, a single YELLOWHAMMER, and a GREY HERON. One other notable occurrence was flushing a tight group of four GREEN WOODPECKERS from a grassy area at the Greenhouse Complex.
With the light much better today a few photo's were obtained........BLACKBIRDS again :-) I like the soft, early morning light on this female bird, I also photographed Coal Tit and MISTLE THRUSH, the latter is not very often photographed, so I was pleased to do so.
Female Blackbird |
Female Blackbird |
Coal Tit, this one was in the College Grounds |
Mistlethrush - Also found in the College Grounds |
As Mentioned earlier the Kestrel allowed a slightly more closer approach as it hunted, not quite close enough though.
Hunting Kestrel |
Hunting Kestrel |
Whilst in the garden this afternoon, my small piece of 'ladies Smock' wildflower came up with the goods, when it attracted the Orange Tip butterfly, unfortunately I had my 500mm lens on, I took some photo's but they weren't the best, and by the time I ran indoors, changed the lens and came back out the Orange Tip had gone, more annoying was seeing a female Blackcap looking at me from the fat feeder seconds later, it flew off just as I pointed the small lens at it! A nice visitor for my little garden anyway, the 27th species to visit this year :-)
Orange Tip, from my garden, another opportunity for a good image missed, will I get another ? |
Lovely Orange Tip shot again and some nice lighting on the shots today Warren.
Cheers Marc'
I'm not particularly happy with the Orange Tip shot, the 500mm lens is not so good with close up Butterflies, just cant get 'em sharp.
Lovely light on those Blackbird shots and the Kestrel is a favourite too. good to get an Orange Tip as I find they rarely settle, Linda
Hi Warren :-) I'm very envious of all that lovely sunshiny light, it makes such a difference to photos. I don't think that was a wasted opportunity at all with the Orange Tip, I like it! I really need to plant some Ladies Smock, I've a feeling I did once and it disappeared :-(
Anyway all the photos are lovely. I've never photographed a Mistle ThrushYou've reminded me that I forgot to include Coal Tit on my list of birds seen on recent walks. I ought to write them down like I used to!
Well done with the garden Blackcap, maybe it will visit again when you have the camera ready. I've only managed a disappearing bottom shot this year in my garden ;-)
Have a lovely Easter Warren :-)
The migrants are still just trickling in it seems Warren, but i'm sure the floodgates will open soon. Not sure if we are allowed to open them though when there's a hosepipe ban on!
Nice Coal Tit and i'd be happy enough with the Orange Tip.
Hi Linda,
It takes a lot of patience and hanging around the likely habitat, to get the Orange Tips ;-)
You must always take a pencil and notebook out!
Re. The mistlethrush, this is only the secong time ive photographed them, they are a difficult species to approach, they normally sit right at the top of the tree!
The migrants will flood in as soon as i'm back to work, you see if they dont!
Stunning photographs with your new lens Warren
I agree with you on the lighting of the Blackbird shot. It gives it a really nice warm glow.
As for Orange Tip. Still not seen one this year :-(
It`s still early, Warren. So i suspect you`ll get plenty of chances for more OT`s.
I've enjoyed each of your photographs here, the Orange Tip is quite beautiful too (shame about the lens issue, another good opportunity will come about one day ...)
Superb light on the blackbird Warren.
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