Tuesday, 29 January 2008

A two hour walk around bits of my patch today was unrewarding birdwise, but it was still good to be out in the fresh air. I was trying to find Redpoll or Brambling - a must if i'm going to reach 100 species in a year for the first time. These two species turn up in on spring passage more than in winter. Of the birds I did note - and they were few- a GREY HERON at the lake area, a drake TEAL in the waterlogged woods, and GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER, at least 5 were seen, and 3 heard drumming, no Lesser spots though, another species I will need this year. As I neared home a flock of 12 or so LINNET were wheeling over the tree nursery. Whilst out on the farmland, I was watching a new sheep fence being erected, up against the sorry site of a hedgerow that over the years had been flailed to death! What a waste of time and money, why pay a contracter to kill the hedgerow, then pay another to put up a fence!!

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