I noticed more WOOD PIGEONS going south as I crossed Migrant Alley at 07:00hrs, quite decent sized flocks went overhead every few minutes, flocks were also seen to the west and east, I wonder how wider front they were going through at ?
The day continued sunny and warm for my afternoon walk, but the birds were as quiet as the weather, I suppose there is no need for them to constantly be out foraging for food when its this warm. I did see a few of the usual suspects though, 3 GREEN WOODPECKERS in the small holding, with two JAYS. A feeding flock in the wet woods contained BLUE, GREAT and LONG TAILED TITS, as well as the inevitable TREECREEPER. The lake life hasn't changed for a week, once again 6 MALLARDS, 8 MOORHENS and the GREY HERON were the only occupants.
The other side of having the light in the morning, is having the evenings draw in quicker, so by the time I got to Migrant Alley I only had an hour, before things started ''closing down'', so a quick circuit of the fields and paddocks was had followed by half an hours skyscanning. Again it was quiet, but I managed to find some SKYLARKS, MEADOW PIPITS, PIED WAGTAILS and the ever present JACKDAWS and ROOKS. The greenhouse complex wild areas were full of DUNNOCKS, a few WRENS and ROBINS, and the tall hedge had a few LINNET and Tit species in it.
My short skyscan came up with with KESTREL, that hunted around the Greenhouses, a SPARROWHAWK, and a COMMON BUZZARD that went over quite high, being mobbed by 80-100 corvids!
Still nothing new for the months list, I need just one more for the record, Ive got wed. thur and fri off this week, so I might just get lucky.

Love the Kestrel piccy Warren. Phil
I agree - great shot of the Kestrel, doing what it does best! Enjoy your few days off, make the most of the daylight & who knows what you'll spot!
Hi Warren.
Good luck with the 1 species need. I am sure you will find it. You stand a good chance this week, the weather is going to be good apparently.
The dark evenings are going to mess you up a bit now, aren't they?
Hi Warren,
I'll try to send you some bohemian waxings, some have arrived in Westmann Islands (well one so far), but they are arriving around :-)
I'm still impressed by the number of species you see everyday! Here we rarely see more than 15 unless we take the car....
It was as dark as dark can be here up here, from late morning, Warren. Oh, for some cloudless sky.
I've a feeling that the 3 day stake-out will produce some new finds. Have fun Warren.
found you blog hoping,
your blog is wonderful so many great photos, really enjoyed looking at some of them hope I can visit again
Great kestrel photo! I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes for that one more species count!
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