This afternoon the sun carried on shining, and there was very little wind, making for a stunning autumn day, only spoilt by the noise of low aircraft as they slowly lumbered across the sky every few minutes, seemingly taking forever to get out of earshot.
I walked the same route as yesterday afternoon, seeing much the same species, NUTHATCH, TREECREEPER and LONG TAILED TITS in the wet woods, the small holding I passed through earlier had a small flock of around 8 CHAFFINCH feeding on the seeds and pips of the rotting windfalls, I scanned for Brambling, but no luck today, I also thought maybe a Fieldfare would be tempted in, but that would also have to wait till later in the month, maybe even next.
At the lake/scrub area around 20 MALLARDS and 4 MOORHENS were seen, also the GREY HERON was again fishing in thigh high water. I stopped and chatted to the owners of the lake, they live next to it, and are the people who put out the feeders and own an adjacent ''properly managed'' wood, which I get permission to walk through - Thanks Ken & Amanda if your reading this! As I left them I walked back along the footpath to get to the wet woods and on to the tree nursery, but before reaching either, I heard two COAL TITS calling, and 'squawking' at each other, maybe having a territory dispute ? Anyway it was all ended by a SPARROWHAWK, which flew over at tree top height.
Not alot was seen in the tree nursery, as a work party were there, so I went straight on for a circuit of Migrant Alley. Once again it was dominated by the LINNET flock, feeding on my sunflower hearts, around 70 were seen. Just two SKYLARKS were on the seeded field, but ones and twos were going over all the time I was there, as were MEADOW PIPITS. Four BLACK HEADED GULLS were gleaning what they could from the same seeded field, and as I scanned all the fences and posts, I felt a bit disappointed that there wasn't a Stonechat or late Wheatear, the afternoon felt just right for one! A quick 20 minute skyscan only provided a COMMON BUZZARD up high, and a few HERRING GULL, also very high. The two and a half hour visit was over in no time, why can't work pass so quickly ?
This ROBIN was singing loudly in the scrubby wood at Migrant Alley, but not as loudly as it will in April.

Love the photo of the Green Woodpecker :-) Never seen one myself!
I wish my Green Woodpecker would pose like that, Warren. I only usually see the back end of it, as it flies off.
Wow this green woodpecker shot is something mate!! I've never got the chance to get pictures of it even if I saw it quite often, so for me this shot is really nice... The redwings are still all over the place here. It is even annoying as you cannot hear anything but them!!
Hi Warren,
To answer your question on redwings, no not all of them leave the country for the winter... There is a resident population which stays..
Hi Warren,looks like a stunner to me,great Green Woodpecker capture.
fabulous shot.
Also i would like to thank you for your great comments on our blog.
Oh awesome photos! Your robin is different than ours, prettier I'd say, and that green woodpecker is really neat!
Your Robin may not be singing as loudly as in April, but his face and chest are just as red (I assume). Lovely little fellow. The Green Woodpecker is such an interesting looking bird...I guess he's trying to go all "camo" in the green grass? The only woodpecker I've ever seen in the grass around here is a Northern Flicker...they root around in mulch and such looking for ants and grubs. Does your Green do the same?
The only time I could have got a beautiful photo of a Green Woodpecker was when we were in the car going round a roundabout and it was on a grass verge beside a field :( Well done on yours!
Your mention of Bramblings reminds me that two years ago before I had the DSLR they visited our garden in huge numbers (as did a couple of Siskins), needless to say not one visited last Winter!
oh to see a green woodpecker lovely photo warren
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