It's 'as you were' with the weather, yet again it was another dreadfully dreary day, the forecasted sunny spells for late this afternoon didn't happen, in fact as I left for my afternoon patch visit, the sky darkened and rain fell!
There was one good thing though, there wasn't a breath of wind, so it felt quite mild, and everything could be heard for quite some distance, the calling of NUTHATCH'S, GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKERS and GREAT TITS in the Wet Woods, was all very spring like, as was the MALLARDS on the flooded woodland floor that have all paired up now.
A walk around the lakes was not too exciting, 14 Mallard and 2 MOORHEN were the only things on the water, the sky darkened further and the rain got heavier, so I took shelter in one of the out buildings on the edge of the main lake. I felt quite despondent as I leaned against the wall and peered into the gloomy conditions, but then a call was heard that had me cheering up soon enough, a TAWNY OWL (67) ! I don't know if it was fooled by the dismal light, but it was certainly a welcome boost for my Year/months list :-)
The rain eased then finally stopped, and the sky went back to just the normal lighter shade of grey, so i ventured out into the scrubby woods, where not much was seen at all, although a Roe Deer that dashed off into cover was the first i've seen here, two GOLDCREST were observed at close quarters once more, but it was hopeless trying to photograph them.
Time to head of home, and I went the usual route, back through the Wet woods, where two more Goldcrest were seen, plus a TREECREEPER. Making my way across the Tree Nursery I saw the Kestrel up hunting, the first sighting since the 18th, I wonder where it's been ?

Nice one with the Tawny, always great to hear.
I know where this owl roosts, it's always being mobbed by smaller brds, but it's in a thick leylandi type row of trees and impossible to find......just as well really :-)
Well done with the Tawny Warren,haven't seen one for ages!
It's blooming right.
Well done with the Tawny Warren - that's a sound we won't hear over here as they didn't make it over to Ireland :(
Hi Warren.
it is always good to hear a Tawny calling. Maybe there is a pair in your area.
Also well done with the Roe Deer sighting.
The Snowdrops did it for me Warren....what a lovely sight.
The Snowdrops really are a welcome sight Warren, roll on Spring!
Well done on the Tawny Owl :)
So it didn`t turn out that bad after all.
We`re level pegging again now Warren.
Well done with the Tawny!
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