Of the summer migrants that have arrived, the CHIFCHAFF and BLACKCAP were enjoying the sunshine, singing loudly from the lakeside scrub and the college grounds, Swallows were zooming over the college stables and Migrant Alley, and my second WILLOW WARBLER (59) of the year was seen feeding on the insects attracted to the sallows, which are growing along the footpath from the Wet Woods to the Lake area, good to get the months list moving again! Another addition to the months list was a bit of a bonus bird, a single LAPWING (60) flew over whilst I crossed the College sports pitch.
Other flyovers today included: BUZZARD, SPARROWHAWK and KESTREL, as well as LESSER BLACK BACKED GULL, HERRING GULL, GREYLAG GOOSE and more unusually a NUTHATCH, which flew over the college stables and onto the small wood/scrub at the north end of Migrant Alley.
The days total was a little below par, on 45 species, but the likes of Coal Tit, Long Tailed Tit, and Treecreeper didn't show this morning, but I know they are there somewhere!
This afternoon I went over to my skywatching seat at Migrant Alley for an hour or so, and was pleased to see a lone SANDMARTIN (80, 61) go by, headed NE, so I did get a new migrant for the year after all, these are a difficult species to find on my patch during spring passage, and todays sighting is only the third spring out of 9 that I have recorded one.

Hi Warren,
Well the year list is also increasing I see. Well done on the goldcrest, that's a speices I've never got, so hard to get them!!!
Well done with the Sand Martin!
Another nice addition with the Sand Martin. Saw a few at Barnes yesterday. I'm amazed to admit that I haven't found a Goldcrest on my patch yet this year!
It's all about to happen any day soon Warren, and you'll be there to see them as we all know.
Keep up the good work.
Hi Warren.
Well done with the Sand Martin. You deserved to see one, it wasn't through want of trying.
Some other good birds seen. Hope tomorrow is another good day, if not better.
Warren...you are the birding man. That 45 species is a little below par is amazing. Glad you got the Sand Martin! Your Goldcrest photo is cute...
House Martin won`t be far behind now, Warren.
Hi Warren
I'm in Southern Spain at the mo and the House Martins have been pouring through here for the past three days now, along with the Swifts. Hang on to your hats 'cos they're on their way. Any sign of the Nightingales yet? Not many around down here which is unusual for mid April.
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