There were the odd splashes of sunshine to be had at times though, and the hardier migrants gave some territorial song during these more springlike moments, both BLACKCAP and CHIFFCHAFF numbers have increased on my patch over the last few visits. Two Pairs of SWALLOWS have returned to thier traditional breeding sites, one at the College Stables and one at the private stables opposite my house, I would expect at least 6 more pairs yet.
In the scrub around the lake it was sheltered from the wind, and song was heard from COAL TIT, TREECREEPER, GOLDCREST as well as the more common ROBIN, WREN, DUNNOCK, SONGTHRUSH and BLACKBIRD. A pair of LONG TAILED tits were observed collecting lining material for their nest as I listened to the songs.
In the clearings of the scrub the early Butterflies were seen, including my first Small White of the year, Comma and Peacock.
So an average April patch walk today, just 44 species were recorded, with nothing new for the month or year list, but i'm sure my week off this week will provide something for both those :-)
I took my camera out today and took the following....

I'm always so jealous of your butterflies! What kind of plant is that the house sparrow is perched on? Looks interesting!
The plant is in fact a Tree. It's a Hawthorne, they are planted close together and used as hedging, most are trimmed into shape every year.
Your lucky if your hedges are trimmed into shape there, here on Sheppey the farmers use tracor-driven flails which leave the hedges looking like multiple hand grenades have been thrown along them.
That certainly was cold on the coast here this morning see my Sheppey blog.
Hi Warren. Is it me or have things ground to a bit of a halt. This horrid wind is the culprit I think. I'm off to Dungeness tomorrow hopefully something good will turn up there.
Good to see the butterfly list is off to a good start Warren.
Good to see the butterfly list is off to a good start Warren.
Really nice shots still amazes me you've got butterflies 'in bloom' already!
You`re not kidding about it being cold Warren. It was like a January day up here, even more so without the sun.
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