When I arrived at the lakeside scrub, the whole place seemed subdued, certainly not so much singing as was heard yesterday. A couple of half hearted BLACKCAPS and CHIFFCHAFFS, the odd DUNNOCK and the CUCKOO now and again, were all that was heard on first arriving. I sat for half an hour and listened and watched, but all that was added was a TREECREEPER, NUTHATCH and GOLDCREST, also a KESTREL that was hunting over the scrub, I thought latter was responsible for the quitness of the area.
I decided to have a walk round, and maybe meet a Garden warbler by chance, or something else, well I did meet something else, a TAWNY OWL. It was sat up in a tree, barely concealed at all, now I know why it was so quiet around the place!
After taking a few snaps of the Owl, I quietly moved off and left it in peace, then headed for Migrant Alley. Here it was much the same as yesterday, ROOKS, JACKDAWS, CARRION CROWS, PIED WAGTAILS and a flock of 23 LINNETS. Two SKYLARKS rose up from the pasture and sang as they spiralled up and out of sight, and GREY HERON flew over - just like yesterday. Both SPARROWHAWK and another Kestrel were hunting over the paddocks, to the concern of the dozen or so SWALLOWS, which kept mobbing them.
Once again a bog standard walk ( apart from the Owl). I think i'll take an evening stroll out tonight, see if something different is happenning.
Below are a few Tawny Owl photo's. The last photo is looking south across the newly seeded 'pub' field.

Lovely Tawny Owl photos Warren, I would be thrilled to get those.
Great Tawny shots Warren. I've just been looking at your year list and you have a lot of fantastic birds on there. I'd like to see a lot of them on my list!
Very nice Tawny shots Warren. Looks very alert to your presence.
Warren ,
Great shots of the Tawny Owl , as you say , unusual to see it out in the open .
Lovely photos of the Tawny Owl Warren - you have no idea how jealous I am!!
You always take such great photos, and I really like today's owl shots.
they are fantastic Owl photos mate, well done.
OK, now look, next time just, send me a sms when you publish so nice pictures of the tawny owl man... I almost fall from my chair!!! I just even forgot the content of your message! Well these shots are gorgeous!!! And I love how it looked at you ;-)
Nice one Warren. Why oh why can`t i find a "in the open" Tawny.
I`m not envious. Honest!!!!
lovely photo of the owl I would love to see one in the wild, went for a walk in the woods today and all I saw was a wood pigeon and a sparrow.
I do envy you being able to get that close to getting shots of that wonderful Tawny. They are a great Owl.
Well done Warren. 10/10
I have to echo everyone else and say fantastic owl photos. What am I seeing on the owl's back that is yellowish?
Brilliant Tawny Owl shots. Well done.
Awesome luck w/ the nice owl shots, boy they really elude me!
Nice close up, Owls is always one of my favorite.
Warren: That was a beautiful owl capture.
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