I seem to have contracted a cold virus during the day, headache, sore throat - you know the score :-( So no patch visit was made today, Hopefully i'll feel a bit fitter for the weekend ! The photo above isn't of this years Crocus', a bit early for them yet, but it wont be long, cant wait !
The headache is probably due to eye strain after peering at that tower and trying to find a Peregrine on it yesterday! ;)
Hope you feel much better soon Warren. The Crocus look so cheerful, won't be long now :)
Poor Warren - its probably due to the changeable weather!
Hope you feel better soon :)
Hope you feel better soon Warren. I will miss your posts if your out of action for a day or two
Lovely pic of the Crocus, and GWS Warren.
Oh no! As they say...chicken soup and hot tea... Hope you're feeling better soon. Your patch birds will miss seeing you walking about!
p.s. Love the gorgeous yellow in crocus. I've all but forgotten what yellow is. I'm very familiar with white and gray right now though!
Hi Warren, sorry about your cold symptoms mate. I have been lucky this winter, with not one cold(so far that is!)
If the weather wasn`t so bad, i might have been able to capitilise on you not feeling too well ;-)
Get well soon Warren.
Feel better soon Warren!
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