Walking home from work today, across Migrant Alley 15 - 20 MEADOW PIPITS were seen, mixing with the flock of GOLDFINCH'S who's flock numbered about the same size, better still, 6 YELLOW WAGTAIL flew out of the sheep pasture and headed off south, ive had a good run of these lovely birds this Autumn :-)
Once I had eaten, I was off out again, I was eager to see if the Maize crop over at the Pub Field was being harvested so I could watch what was flushed out as the last stands of maize went down. Unfortunately I was too late and the field was already done by the time I arrived, however it still proved a very good place to be! I walked up the boundary hedgerow, and was met with CHIFFCHAFFS, they were everywhere! I couldn't begin to give an accurate figure, as they were moving up and down the hedge, as well as off out into the Tree Nursery which is the other side of the hedge, some even took off and headed south across the open field, I reckon 40 birds would probably be an under estimate.
I slowly walked the hedge, and was pleased to see a BLACKCAP and a YELLOWHAMMER, mixing with the CHAFFINCH'S, and BLUE TITS, as well a single GREENFINCH, but better was to come when I spied a SEDGE WARBLER, an excellent September visitor to my patch, and the second latest to have been recorded, the latest being 26th Sept in 2004.
I turned back and retraced my steps before the hedge met a large garden, and re-scanned the hedgerow, but only added ROBINS and DUNNOCKS, I should have stayed longer really, but I wanted to get over to Migrant Alley and check the fields and Paddocks there. I soon regretted that dicision, as nothing new was found there, although a couple of Yellow Wagtails did fly through, and a flock of around 40 LINNETS had come back to the paddocks.
I thought i'd go back to the maize stubbles, and try my luck again, this time entering the field from the where the hedge meets the large garden, a good decision, as the gardens boundary had attracted lots of the Chiffchaffs, finch's, Tits, and even the Sedge Warbler, giving me better views this time, I scanned through the frenzy of birds, which were chasing each other about all the time, and found a couple of HOUSE SPARROWS with them, a good find at this place, but then the bird of the day turned up, a cracking looking
71), I thought i'd lost the chance of adding this species to my months list, as the latest date for one on my patch is the 10 Sept, so this is a real late one for me! After getting a few photo's of the Sedge and Reed Warblers, i walked off along the field boundary to head home, and suddenly found the sky full of HOUSE MARTINS and SWALLOWS, up to that point I hadn't seen any at all, as i watched them, a flock of Meadow Pipits, around 40 strong dropped onto the maize, followed then by 20 or so PIED WAGTAILS, and a few moment later 9 SKYLARKS, I really wanted to hang about for more, but I had to get home, this was one memorable september day though!
The Hedgerow that runs up the side of the Maize field |
Sedge Warbler |
Sedge Warbler |
Reed Warbler |
Reed Warbler |