Back to work today, and so back to the afternoon patch visits, which invariably prove to be less productive than the mornings, today was particularly less so! I paid a visit to the lakes and Scrubby woods, primarily to see if the Coot was still about, it wasn't, it had probably moved off overnight, but there is always a chance it was just well hidden somewhere :-)
Whilst there the highlight of the visit appeared when a BUZZARD drifted low over, being mobbed by a KESTREL, other than that it was a very quiet afternoon, the warm sun and gentle breeze made it feel most summer like, and most creatures seemed to be taking time out somewhere - and who can blame them, it wont always be this easy for them in the coming months.
I made my way home after a short while, but went via the Tree Nursery, where 7 MAGPIES were again scolding a fox, and probably the same Kestrel as seen earlier was up hovering, it flushed up a MEADOW PIPIT, which circled round and alighted further back into the field. A LESSER BLACK BACKED GULL drifter over with a few HERRING and BLACK HEADED GULLS, but after a few minutes I decided upon going home to get some bird photo's at my feeders, given the good light :-) with the following results.
20+ Of these GOLDFINCH'S were on the Sunflower hearts |
Goldfinch |
NUTHATCH Two of these came in |
Nuthatch |
BLUE TIT - at least 15 of these were flitting about |
Blue Tit |
Stunning sharp images, Warren.
Cheers Dean, had some good light this afternoon :-)
I agree with Dean, very sharp.
Cracking photos Warren
Cracking shots Warren, the first goldie is my favourite spot on detail.
Great shots of the garden birds - oh to see a nythatch down here.
Love the pose in the first Nuthatch Warren.
Quality shots.....
Nice day.
Hi Warren, just looked through your last few posts, the images are great, well done with the Brambling and Coot. I'm going to be getting about 30 mins or so before work now, until after the weekend!!
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