An afternoon spent dodging the showers didn't produce the 3 anticipated new migrants on my patch, however there was an arrival of at least 5 more TURTLE DOVES, this time in the scrub by the lake, a place where I normally record them first. This used to be an ideal place for them, as they fed on the spillage of a nearby grain store, but health and safety put a stop to any spilled grain, and the number of young the doves raise has declined since then. Also seen whilst in the scrub, was what looked like the female CUCKOO, I snapped it as it flew past. Other than that just a few BLACKCAP and CHIFFCHAFF sang half heartedly, as did the WHITETHROAT and LESSER WHITETHROAT, but in the cool, wet conditions and given the time of day, song was very limited.
On the way out of the scrub, a GREEN WOODPECKER posed for a photo, in the only sunny spell of the afternoon, not much else was noteworthy as I made my way over to Migrant Alley. Just an hour was spent at my horse jump 'seat' , and it was not very productive, the huge machines were all over the place, but a lone SKYLARK was heard above the din. The only birds to flyover were 2 single LESSER BLACK BACKED GULLS.
Below is a DUNNOCK that sat nicely for a pic.

Below is one of the Lesser Black backed Gulls, that flew over

Here's the Green Woodpecker, looks to have been doing some ant digging

Below are 3 of the Turtle Doves. I couldn't get to close, they are very wary of humans, and have good reason to be.

Lastly the Cuckoo flying past, not a very good photo, but here it is anyway.
Warren ,
Still waiting to hear Turtle Dove . As you say they are getting fewer and fewer .
Nothing wrong with the Cuckoo shot , miles better than my effort last week .
Nice cuckoo shot. Last year I failed to find Turtle Dove on my patch, the first year since I started visiting regularly. They are very close though - I have heard reports of both Cuckoo and Turtle Dove seen nearby.
Great collection Warren 2 birds I have never seen before, Green woody and Cuckoo, nice one.
Turtle Doves are very rare up here. Just about annual in the county on passage and thats about it. Its a bird I always look out for when I'm on holiday in the south.
Warren: You do so well with flying shots. Do you have any camera tricks?
Even a bad day over there seems to be a great day anywhere else! Great Woodpecker shot.
Hi Warren,
So is spring turning back to a winter stage. It is the case here too, you are under a very nice stormy weather with really bad wind...
I did not realize the cuckoo were so big, I've never seen one, and it looks pretty big. Just be patient for the new migrants they will come one day eventually ;-)
Hi Warren.
What a great spot you have for recording Turtle Dove's.Youdon't do things by halves do you? most people are happy with seeing one, but not you, got any to spare??
Nice photo's of the Cuckoo,but like the Woodpecker one best, looks like a female, what do you think?
Hi Warren, I'm afraid I'm still playing catch up after a busy weekend. I had to smile about the Robins having a 'red off' in your previous post and I'm glad your coat dried out in time for your latest walk.
I don't think I've ever seen a Turtle Dove just lots and lots of Collared Doves. Great capture of the Cuckoo, haven't heard one here yet this year.
WOW! I love the Woodpecker photo, please send one to pose my way!
...I like the cuckoo photo. I hope to see one of ours this year. Nice woodpecker shot...
Never seen a Turtle Dove or a Cuckoo but would love to. So I can enjoy yours Warren.
Think you're right about the Woodpecker - he's given himself away a bit!
Is it a coincidence or have the female Cuckoo's turned up at the same time ? The male turned up a week ago at his night time roost at the bottom of the garden and this morning was the first time I heard the female call. Turtle Dove's have arrived over here as well.
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