The scrub at the lake area sounded very springlike, BLACKCAP and CHIFFCHAFF were singing loudly, as well as all the local resident birds, WREN, ROBIN, DUNNOCK, BLACKBIRD, SONGTHRUSH and MISTLE THRUSH. With all that singing, and the GREAT, BLUE and COAL TITS calling, it was hard to drag myself away, believing that any second that Nightingale might sing!
Crossing the tree nursery, a GREEN WOODPECKER flew up in front of me, and both NUTHATCH and TREECREEPER were heard from the wet woods behind me, I sat on a stile, for a minutes rest, and glanced skywards at a bird that was soaring, it was the PEREGRINE again, which was joined, as yesterday, by it's partner. I watched for some time as the chased, and jousted in the sky.
An hour scanning fields, paddocks, and sky at migrant alley, produced very little today, just a SKYLARK, 2 LINNETS, 4 GOLDFINCH, a MEADOW PIPIT and the usual ROOKS and JACKDAWS. There was however a Buzzard up high to the west of my patch.
No butterfies today, the only ones recorded were being blown along on the wind! But below are a couple of shots of the Willow Warbler. Below them is an effort at the Peregrines but they were just to high up.

A very happy birthday to you, and I hope you won't want any more presents after the willow warbler!
Arrivals do seem to be early this year, presumably due to the fine weather....lovely!
Cheers Steve.
No pezzies, just a nice fish'n'chips tea, with a bottle of Red!
Hi Warren
Happy Birthday and a Willow Warbler. Apparently Nightingales are starting to arrive so keep your ears open.
Only the on bottle though !!!!!
Hi Warren,
ok I got the info, happy birthday mate!!! Good to have nice pictures of a willow warbler for your birthday isn't it? Do not party too much, your patch will wait for you tomorrow :-), just like us waiting to see what will be the next bird to arrive!
Warren ,
Have just posted and then looked at yours , and we've done it again with the Willow Warblers this time .
Hope you enjoy your day , you can sit back and relax on the OAP now !
Willow Warbler, snap, Warren.
Great pics of it too.
Happy birthday, mate.
Great shots of the Willow Warbler Warren. You seem to get everthing over there, oh, Happy Birthday.
A very Happy Birthday to you Warren;
fish'n'chips and a bottle of the red stuff together with a goodly selection on your patch and a Willow Warbler with good pictures.... hmmmm sounds a good way to celebrate to me
Many happy returns Warren. Great shots of the Chiffchaff.
Happy Birthday, Warren! The Willow Warbler is a nice-looking bird. Glad you found him early...and on your birthday!
Yes Warren,Happy Birthday and well done on the Willow Warbler, lovely shots mate.
MANY HAPPY RETURNS WARREN! and such lovely photos of the Willow Warbler, an excellent birthday present!
Happy Birthday Warren, and some nice shots of the Willow Warbler.
Warren: Beautiful photos of that bird.
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