Many thanks to all for the kind birthday wishes! Alas their weren't any more presents today, not in the form of new migrants anyway. I did get to see a male and female BLACKCAP at the lakeside scrub, and a CHIFFCHAFF was defending his territory with some lound chiff-chaffing. On one of the lakes their was a fisherman - boooo, but on one of the others a GREY HERON was seen, and a family of new MALLARD ducklings were seen, 8 in all, whilst the CANADA GOOSE is sitting tight on eggs on the island. A SPARROWHAWK flew over while I was sitting listening for a Cuckoo, or Nightingale but as neither was heard after half an hour I headed off.
GREEN WOODPECKER, MISTLE THRUSH and a flyover KESTREL were all seen at the tree nursery, and I made my way to Migrant Alley for some more scanning of fields and sky, hoping mainly for a House martin to show. The latter didn't materialise, but LINNET, GOLDFINCH, YELLOWHAMMER, SKYLARK and a loud PHEASANT were all seen, with flyovers by HERRING GULL and LESSER BLACK BACKED GULL, I still havn't seen a Black headed Gull this month yet! Four STOCK DOVES alighted on the plough, but all the corvids were feeding on a huge field, that was being ploughed just of my patch, this is where the Gulls were headed.
A bit of an indifferent afternoon bird wise, but lots of other wildlife was about, here's some pics, some good and some, well, not so good!

This Fox was having a snooze under the polytunnels, nice and warm in there!
Below are three pics of a Willow Warbler, or maybe a Chiffchaff! It was in the hedgerow behind my seat at migrant alley, it gave no call or song, so i'll leave you to make your own minds up!

The pic above shows a bit of an eyestripe, and the pic. below shows quite long wings, and the third pic, shows pale legs, all indicaters of willow warbler, but not as conclusive as if it had sang or called!.........So i'm going for willow Warbler.

This STARLING below was one of a small band, feeding on the sheep pasture.

Below I saw that many of the Bluebells in the wet woods were blooming, great for the Bumble bees

A couple of Butterflies were seen today, but none new for the year. Just this Comma below, and below that another Orange Tip, this one was in my garden, it was initially attracted by my small bunch of Ladies Smock that I put by the pond edge especially for these butterflies.

Below are a couple of Bee flies, which sort I dont know (Greenie or Dean might be able to help!) The floor on the scrub area was teeming with these insects! All I can say is the one in the bottom photo was twice as big than the one below!
Hi Warren,
A nice birding day anyway, you are still seeing more species than I do. I heard today that a snow goose is at 5km from home and I will not get time to go there as we are going in the other direction for the week end. I love your fox, using kind of man-made structure to warm-up. All the ability of nature to adapt is in this picture!! Have a nice week end and see you later next week....
I reckon its a Chiffchaff Warren. Going on the fact that the primary prjection is roughly half the length of the tertail length.
Warren ,
I still haven't found a Spotted Bee Fly , but whilst the wing are beating , impossible to tell them apart . With wings at rest , Bombylius major has dark area along leading edge of wing . This area is spotted on the other .
Heard Willow Warbler and Marsh Tit and had Orange Tip again today , but too busy fencing for a good look around . Hope to go back next week - not working .
Warren. Sorry, can`t help with the Bee Fly. I`ve no experience of them. They`re a species that still evade me.
Regards the Warbler. It`s a close call that one. Overall it looks like a Chiffy, but the pale looking legs are throwing me. Willow Chiff, maybe. But don`t quote me on that.
Those Willow Chiffs are very tricky on 3 pics. In the field however Chiffs have a distictive tail dipping action even if silent, that Willow Warblers dont have...
Moew lovely photos Warren.
Sorry that should say More lovely photos
Some great photos Warren.
Very interesting post again Warren and lots of lovely photos also. Loved the Fox and found the Bee- flies fascinating. Loved everything to be honest!
That fox is nice second-day birthday present, Warren! I would love to stumble across one. I heard one yipping and howling years ago outside my window one evening, but it's never been repeated.
Great Light in all of your photos Warren. Its nice to see that you are getting so many butterfly photos and I am always excited to see your foxes.
Warren: What a great fox capture, you did a wonderful job on it. I also liked your butterflies, mine will come back pretty soon.
Spring comes much earlier down the shot of the fox.
Warren I won't have a go at the bee flies but I'll go for Willow Warbler and not Chiff, mostly for the reasons you list. I think the primary projection is distorted on the third pic making it look short but the foot colour on that photo would lead me to WW. More importantly and with Stewart's rider that these are tricky on photo it looks like a WW to me which is probably the best guide :-)
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