I endured the conditions for just an hour, long enough for a circuit of the fields and paddocks of Migrant Alley, where 10 LESSER BLACK BACKED GULLS sat out the dismal weather. Two MEADOW PIPITS flew over, and the KESTREL was up hunting around the Greenhouses for a short while. I returned home somewhat fed up, and wet!
The garden feeders had little to offer, in consolation though, late on a BRAMBLING visited, now they are always welcome! This would be a good species to get on next months list, lets hope it hangs around for a couple of days.
Below is the Brambling, and despite the clocks having gone forward an hour, giving us more light, it was too dark for photographs by the time I saw it at 17:00

Hi Warren,
You really are a brave and courageous man! Here it is too cold for me nowadays. It was -7°C this morning went up to zero but with the wind, went down to -10°C!! I hope the weather is gonna improve for the big 6 days week end we have ;-)
You have worse weather than us!
You get 6 days this weekend ? We only get 4 !
Hi Warren.
Sorry that things have gone quiet for you at the moment, still, at least you had the Swallow's and Brambling to fall back on.
Join the club re the weather Warren, rain just about covered the entire country I think today.
I got a similar length of time as you did birding today until I'd had enough of it and legged it off back home.
Keep up the good work Warren.
Yep, the weather`s sure but the dampener on things. Sorry ;-)
I wouldn't have known that the Brambling photos were taken through the window! Well done with the Swallow the other day - I haven't had one on my patch that early!!
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