It was however a big improvement on last weeks weather, and it was very pleasant to be out. I did my usual walk over to the lake Area, via the small holding and Wet
woods, but it wasn't as lively as I thought it would be. A SPARROWHAWK was over the wet woods as I approached them, but once inside only a few MALLARD and MOORHEN were seen on the pools of water, and a small flock of half a dozen CHAFFINCH fed amongst the leaf litter. Walking the footpath from the woods to the lake, I found one of the MARSH TITS that I didn't find on yesterdays visit, if they are going to breed elswhere they will be leaving my patch very shortly.
On the main lake today I saw just 4 Mallard, and on the Ornimental lake there was the COOT, the small top lake was devoid of any waterfowl. As I walked back, I scanned the main lake one more time, and found.........another Coot! Just to make sure there was two, I looked across the ornimental lake to check on the other one, and it was there! Two Coots, thats an all time peak record count for my patch!
I felt quite pleased with that find, and walked back along the footpath to the wet woods and off to Migrant Alley for some skywatching, finding on the way, my first butterfly of the year, a worn looking RED ADMIRAL, just out of hibernation I should think.
I reached migrant Alley, and took my seat, something I will be doing more of as the spring moves on and the lake becomes less likely to produce anything new. I didn't find any migrant Wheatear though, or flyover migrant Sandmartins, but i'll try again tomorrow. I did see three GULL species though, BLACK HEADED, COMMON and LESSER BLACK BACKED, and the KESTREL around the Greenhouse Complex. Just a dozen or so FIELDFARE and REWDING were out on the paddocks, with 3 MISTLE THRUSH.
As for the Chiffchaffs, well they havn't arrived on my patch yet, but one was reported to me, singing at the nearby Poult Wood golf course, will they arrive tomorrow, the mean arrival date over the last 8 years ?

Warren, if you introduce the two Coots to each other you might get a much bigger peak record count on your patch in the near future!!
Now we're talking! A bee and a butterfly and I saw my first bee of the year in the garden today :)
Phil beat me to it with the Coot remark :)
Gorgeous photo of the Wren, Warren.
Lovely wren Warren and a flutter already!! I've seen a Bumble which is a real treat :D
In Bushy Park today the Coots were conquering the world... you're welcome to some :D
Bumblebees and Butterflies! Do you live in France? Up here I havent seena Coltsfoot or a frog yet let alone bumblebees....I hope this spring makes up for the winter we've endured...
Spring is definitely almost here Warren! Haven't seen a butterfly yet but did see a bee at the weekend.
Ditto regarding the Coots remark ;-)
Hi Warren,
Ok spring has reached you but not us mate!!! It is a bit warmer thought, about 6°C, but where is the sun!!! Lots of birds are popping up now, although I did not see anything on the lake tonight!!!
Hi Warren, yes I'll be putting butterfly and dragonfly lists as and when ( if ever) they occur :). I might even do some plants too. Its all about biodiversity isnt it. But, I still hope for a Yellow browed Warbler from the garden in autumn...
You should know by now Warren, the weather is always fine whilst we are all at work!:o)
Nice to see that spring is finally emerging over in your patch.
First bee for me on Sunday arvo Warren - forgot to mention it in my missive - thanks for reminding me.
I can't get over how far ahead of us you are in the weather department. We do not have anything blooming here yet. And of course no Red Admirals or any other types of butterflies are here. I have not seen any bees yet either. I have all of this to look forward to.
Your Wren in really stunning. I think it looks the most like our House Wren. Our Carolina Wren is a big larger and has a lot of reddish brown on him.
Holy cow, a butterfly?! And a spring garden flower!? Again, jealous! LOL Love the photos Warren. I did see my first robin yesterday!
Stewart`s not on his own. No Butters or Bumbles for me yet, further South in Yorkshire.
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