Normal service will be resumed as soon as :-)
Something local readers of this blog may be interested in :-
The first KOS indoor meeting of the season is this thursday, (14th) at Grove Green Community hall, Maidstone. The subject will be 'the Damsel and Dragonflies of Kent' by John and Jill Brook, their recent book on the subject will be available for purchase on the evening (£ 15 ish ). This year has been great for Migrants/Vagrants, so if you want to find out how to tell a Migrant Hawker from a southern Hawker come along. Also, one of the sites on Sheppy, where the dainty Damselfly was re-discovered in the UK after half a decades absence, will be revealed.
Doors open at 7.15 for a 7.45 start.
KOS memebers and non members welcome - Admission £2
Ugh, feel better soon! Maybe something good will show up at the feeders in the meantime.
Too much excitement over the weekend would be my diagnosis Warren! Get well soon.
Leave it out - if I can hobble round with badly arthritic feet every day, a bit of man flu shouldn't be stopping you. And I thought we were going to have a chat on Thursday night.
Hope you will get better mate... Take care!
Cheers guys..apart from Derek :-)
I should be ok for thursday derek :-)
Get well soon Warren, I hear that manflu is especially debilitating. Linda
Warren ,
It was John & Gill , the Kent Odonata recorders , who first got me into Dragons/Damsels , after the did a talk at High Elms many years ago , inspiring people .
I hope your illness doesn't go on long. The loo roll is for it too Warren.
Oh dear, I hope you survive :) A little drop of whisky and water should cheer you up a bit!
I have always been hopeless at carrying bird song/calls in my head but have been listening to the Kingfisher this evening and hope it may help in my seemingly hopeless mission :)
Get well soon Warren, sending a hug.
P.S. Tissues Warren, man size tissues not loo roll!! :)
Oh dear,
Looks like I'm outnumbered by the fan club - your fevered brow should have many moppers - I'll look out for the ambulance delivering you to the meeting on Thursday night.
An afterthought, maybe you've got the trots as well !
Warren - now is not the time to be sitting in doors moping around! Those migrants are still flooding through...great grey shrike coming your way...
Hi Warren
Josh had 2 possible Glossy Ibis over Hartlake Rd nr Tudeley today - hopefully they didn't pass over the patch! Keep your eyes peeled out that sick bay window. Hoping to get along on Thursday as well.
Warren, thanks for advertising the meeting, see you on Thursday and look forward to seeing photos of todays patch tick later!!
Only you could put a photo of a loo roll, a packet of Lemsip and some painkillers, on your blog and get 15 comments. Obviously that's where I'm going wrong on mine, perhaps some photos of my breakfast cereal or dustbin would be better choices.
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