Having the day off work today meant I could spend the entire day out on my patch, well almost! I spent 3 hours out from 07:15, two hours from 11:30, and another two hours from 14:30hrs. Most of the day was cloudy, with the odd glimpse of sunshine early on, but that soon vanished and the days visit ended with a light shower.
The 7 hours produced 46 species, all of which were found on the 3 hour early visit, but unfortunately none of them were new sightings for the month. However some nice species were recorded, 3 REDPOLL flew over calling whilst I crossed the Tree Nursery, and SISKINS were heard going over early on as I walked the Lakeside Scrub, these are both good species to find in October for my patch. A GREY HERON was fishing on the lake and a CORMORANT circled, as if to come down and join it, but thought better of it.
GREYLAG and CANADA GEESE also flew over, small flocks heading in various directions were seen. BLACK HEADED GULLS were dropping onto the College Sports field, gathering to a total of 47 before being disturbed, but only 3 HERRING GULLS were seen today.
MEADOW PIPIT, SKYLARK, PIED WAGTAIL and FIELDFARE were seen in small numbers at Migrant Alley, but there were no Mistle Thrush or Redwing seen today, and only one SONGTHRUSH was noted.
All the woodland birds that frequent my patch were found, not something that happens every visit, GREAT, BLUE, COAL, MARSH and LONG TAILED TIT, as well as BULLFINCH, CHAFFINCH, GREENFINCH, GOLDFINCH, with TREECREEPER, NUTHATCH, GREAT SPOTTED and GREEN WOODPECKERS
all being easily viewable, which was great for the three SPARROWHAWKS seen today, the only other raptor seen was a KESTREL.
Another days holiday tomorrow, so another full days birding :-) but October days are running out, and I still need that one more new species if I am to equal the best ever monthly tally.
It was too dull for photo's really, but I snapped this Great Spotted Woodpecker at my nut feeder.

It sounds like you were in your element with the entire day at your disposal Warren and that's a very nice view from your skywatching seat, I can see it's possible to while away some time there :)
It sounds like that Sparrowhawk has been telling its mates about your patch!
Good luck for tomorrow for that one or two more for your tally :)
Siskin and Redpoll, very nice..Ive not got any of those on my patch at the mo but we do get flocks in the winter months. Especially flocks of Siskin which can number between 60 to 200 birds.
Still one species short Warren? Are you sure you're trying?? There was more than seven hours daylight today you know.....:-):-)
It's a fantastic Woodpecker.
I agree with Phil, you'll never get a Waxwing unless you are committed....
Well I hope you will get that one missing! We are getting a big storm now and maybe it will bring you something ;-) I hope so!
...have a wonderful time tomorrow out birding! I hope you get that one additional species for your count!
"October days are running out, and I still need that one more new species if I am to equal the best ever monthly tally."
You can blame the change in wind direction for that Warren. All the same, good luck with that extra species.
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