Well it was back down to earth with a bump today! Gone was the sunshine, and the calm warm conditions of yesterday, back were the cloudy, cool and dull conditions, with a brisk wind, but being more optimistic, now the sun is higher in the sky, a dull February day, is not as dull as a dull January day!!!
Without the sun, the birds were no where near as active this afternoon, and the only real songsters were the MISTLE THRUSH and SONGTHRUSH, the ROBIN sang as well of course, they always do, it would have to be a bad day for them not to sing :-)
On the lakes today, the main lake had 4 Canada Geese, 3 MALLARD and 2 MOORHEN, the ornamental lake had two Canada Geese, and 4 Moorhen, and the small lake had 2 Canada Geese, I still hope to see a Kingfisher around these lakes before the months end.
Half an hour in the scrubby wood, and the regular birds were noted, but only in one's and two's - COAL TIT, TREECREEPER, GOLDCREST, LONG TAILED TIT and NUTHATCH were the pick of these, the Redwing that were here, foraging through the leaves yesterday had moved off. On one of my frequent glances at the sky, I saw two CORMORANT go low over, but they didn't show any interest in the water.
As yesterday, I paid a visit to the Pub Field and Migrant Alley, the former had at least 30 FIELDFARE on the maize stubble, with 3 REDWING and a JAY, while Migrant Alley had much the same as yesterday, WOODPIGEONS, ROOKS, and JACKDAWS, the Yellowhammers were not seen today, a dog walker saw them off before I got to where they normally feed, but the BLACK HEADED GULLS had returned to the sheep pasture after their absence yesterday, 124 were seen, with more occasionally dropping in.
Still no sign of a Grey Heron or Meadow Pipit, those two species along with the Grey Wagtail and Kingfisher are the most likely to be added to the Feb list,these would take it to 59 if they turn up, which happens to be the mean species total for the past 9 February's of recording.
I just had enough light later this afternoon to capture this GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER at my garden feeders, where I also saw the MARSH TIT, with it's distinct white primary feather, i've noticed this feather go from grey to white over the winter months :-)

Very nice shot of the woodpecker. More of yesterdays weather please!
Rain all day tomorrow Marc ! Time for the Garden :-)
It was certainly all change from yesterday Warren. But you're right a Feb day is better than a January day, but only just. Nice Woody shot on another difficult camera day.
Good to see you back on the new hythe patch again Phil :-)
Lovely fantastic Woodpecker.
Hi Warren, you cant have enough of Woodpecker photos mate, nice shot there.
Very nice GSW photo Warren, I haven't noticed a return visit from the one I saw in my garden but I will keep hoping!
I agree about Robins, such cheerful little songsters and I love to hear the Song Thrush too, they always sound comical to me :)
Regarding your mention of the dog walker, as you know I adore dogs but a short walk round a small lake yesterday in the hope of getting one or two photos was spoilt by dog walkers, I've never seen so many in one place! I know they have as much right to be there as I do but it is frustrating.
...the red is really intense on that little fellow. He's gorgeous!
February is probably the worst month of the year Warren, but you`d expect the regular secies to be seen. Plenty of time yet tho.
Lovely shot of GSW Warren, you're so lucky to get it in your garden!
At least the days are starting to draw out a bit now, only a bit mind :)
Nice Woodie shot Warren - Saturday will be sunny (so I'm told) so hang in there.
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