Rain , wind, and gloom prevented any sort of decent patch visit this afternoon, I braved the elements for just 40 mins to see if anything had changed on the lakes. When I got there it was the same regulars, those being CANADA GEESE and MALLARDS. I dont think anything new will visit until the wretched Gas cannons stop blasting away, that could be weeks, by which time most of the wildfowl will be settling down to breed, a long way from my patch!
The rain continued on and off, sometimes heavy sometimes light, but always accompanied by a chill wind. I decided to call it a day, a go home to see if anything interesting would show up at my garden feeders, which it did, but I could have done without it really! :-)

This SPARROWHAWK just would not give up, I flushed it half a dozen times from the tree at the bottom of my garden, but in the end I let it have it's perch. Needless to say, few birds visited the garden, the birds seem to know when the hawk is in the tree :-) Only the quick and the brave took the seed from the feeders, those being BLUE and GREAT TITS, also the MARSH TIT, hope that doesn't end up as lunch, ive only got two on my patch!!
Hopefully the weather will be a bit kinder tomorrow, and i'll have something more interesting to post !
Great pics...again!
Similar conditions here .. I didn't even leave the front door!
That Sprawk was definitely intent on sticking around. Nice shots.
Good to see you up and about Adam :-)
That sprawk is my tormenter, it crops up everywhere!
Oh my! That is one chubby Sparrowhawk, it looks extremely well fed!!
Wet here all day Warren and cold too :(
Well I can of understand the birdies ;-) This predator has a terrific look and you got it well!!! Well the weather was nice over here today but no time for pictures except one in my garden where 4 waxwings were this afternoon!!! They are still around....
I know you'd rather have the feeder birds, but that's still an impressive couple of sparrowhawk photos you've got there!
Excellent pics of the Sparrowhawk Warren. I think one has flown off to another blog!
Hi Warren.
Another grotty day you.
That Sparrowhawk is a glutton for punishment, it seems to like your garden.
Lets hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
Nice photo's of the Sprawk.
Great shots Warren, even if it is an unwelcome visitor.
Wonderful pics!!
So much sparrowhawk interference - you'll be joining Songbird Survival next!!! NOT.
Hi Warren, some lovely pics of that Sparrowhawk mate.
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