My daylist of 47 bird species ( that includes the BULLFINCH not seen until one visited the garden) was a bit on the low side, especially as a few of the species were not regulars, like LESSER BLACKBACKED GULL, CORMORANT, GREY WAGTAIL, GREYLAG GOOSE and GREY HERON. The likes of Mistle Thrush, Coal Tit, Nuthatch, Lesser Whitethroat, Cuckoo, Sparrowhawk and House Martin all avoided detection today.
The visit was more notable for the amount of Juvenile and immature birds seen, the most abundant of which were 200 STARLINGS, of these about half were young birds, these were all feeding in a flock on the sheep pasture at Migrant Alley, 20 or so of these birds have been regularly coming into the garden all day, devouring the fat blocks!
Another family of GOLDCRESTS were seen along the footpath leading from the Wet Woods to the Lake and Scrubby Woods area, at least 4 were being fed, at times they were just a meter above me, and I watched them being fed by both parents. A bit further along the footpath I found a new species for the successfully confirmed breeding list, the CHAFFINCH, two recently fledged young were being attended by both parents.
The small amount of song heard today came almost exclusively from the Scrubby Wood, provided by BLACKCAP, TURTLE DOVE and a CHIFFCHAFF the only one heard to sing all morning! Above the woods, the only raptor of the day was seen, that being a KESTREL.
The SPOTTED FLYCATCHERS were seen at the College Grounds, but only briefly, as they chased each other around, the only other bird of note for the Day was the already mentioned Grey wagtail, which was an immature bird, it was seen at the almost dry run off pool at the Tree Nursery, I did get a nice photo of it though, (below) capturing it's reflection in the water :-)

Very nice photos again Warren. I don't think I have ever seen a young Goldcrest. I love your colourful Bullfinch, you are lucky to have it as a regular garden visitor :)
Starlings are so greedy especially where fat treats are concerned, I wouldn't be surprised if you get all 200 visiting tomorrow!
You seem to be doing well with the camera at the moment, keep it up. That Bullfinch looks nice.
Loving the tiny tiny baby Goldcrests Warren :)
And the Bullfinch is gorgeous - never had one in our garden before.
We've been inundated with young Starlings & House Sparrows this last week & now have 3 young Wrens too :)
Good luck for the remaining 3 days.
Warren ,
Another grim day indeed , but it must have been worth it , if only for that juv. Goldcrest .
It's a wonder you heard any song at all .
You did a good job of making what was probably a rubbish day seem quite good. I was on The Swale NNR at 6.30 this morning and it was the coldest I've been since March, it was quite uninspiring.
You`re doing a lot better than me for finding fledglings, Warren. You`re obviously having a good year of it.
Thanks for all the comments again everyone, I may not be able to comment on your blogs at the moment, but i'm still reading them :-) hopefully blogger will be fixed soon.
Love the fluffy fledgling photos. Have you tried selecting anonymous instead signing in under your google blogger ID? Then you can sign your name at the end. That is what I have had to resort to - even to respond to comments on my own blog!
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