I ensured the feeders were full, and settled down at the upstairs window, tea, biscuits, Camera and bins at the ready. As Always the first birds to show up are the colourful finches, maximums of 6 GOLDFINCH, 6 GREENFINCH, 4 CHAFFINCH and the male BULLFINCH all visited. Only one pair of BLUE TITS showed up, and just one GREAT TIT, all looked shabby after their endeavours feeding their broods. A family of recently fledged DUNNOCKS skulked around the shrub border, as did a Juv. BLACKBIRD, another recently fledged species a STARLING also came in to investigate the sunflower hearts. Four COLLARED DOVES gobbled up the spilt Sunflower hearts, 2 ROBINS and a disappointing 2 HOUSE SPARROWS came and went.
Of the more scarce species to visit the garden, GOLDCREST was one, as was the WOODPIGEON, GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER, JACKDAW and MAGPIE. Speaking of Magpies, my neighbour came round to see me during the afternoon, she has a Magpies nest in her garden, and the young had fledged, hiding themselves in her shrubs, she was worried that her dog might get them, so i went round and re-located the young into my garden :-) all 3 of them, it wasn't long before the parents found them again, I'm not sure they are any safer in my garden, with the Fox coming in during the evening - but thats just a chance they have to take!
As for photo's, well I couldn't not show you the Magpie Fledgling, this is the 16th species to have successfully bred on my patch this year.

With birds like that in the garden Warren, who needs to go out?
Some very nice pics too, the new lens is earning it's keep!
I wished that I had neighbours that asked me to re-locate bloody magpies for them - what a joy that would be. (I didn't like to disappoint you)
Cheers Phil,
Ive got converter lens now too. Although it only works up to a point.
Now, now, lots of successful fledging going on here, despite the Crows :-)
Warren ,
Cool was definitely the word for the weather today , I had my fleece on all day .
Great Bullfinch shots again .
I've twice this year watched a mother blackbird frantically trying to stop a Magpie from eating her chicks in front of her from nests in my garden. Its an unequal contest and I find it upsetting and unnecessary and as a result one Magpie has been re-located - permanently.
Sounds like the weather here, been cooler and windy for days, overcast, not good photo weather. Am waiting impatiently for it to improve! Esp love the 2nd shot of the bullfinch, and love the magpie youngster.
I wish my garden/feeders were that busy, Warren. Nothing`s touched the sunflower hearts that i put out a week ago.
we'll go and shoot all the big cats in Africa now then shall we, i'm sure someone finds it upsetting to watch the Thompson gazzelles get eaten :-)
Jann E.
I hope your patience rewards you. The weather can be so frustrating !!
Warren, at the moment I'm concentrating on simply trying to allow songbirds to at least live long enough to leave the nest in my garden, otherwise I'm wasting my time trying to attract them. Haven't got the time or inclination to go to Africa, there's still two Magpies left here.
Sorry I missed your post yesterday Warren (not on purpose!) but I see you had a bit of a non day so I didn't miss any great excitement.
That photo of the fledgling Magpie is lovely, I have never seen a young one. Glad you were able to put them somewhere a little safer!
Lovely photos here, all of them :)
If Wood Pigeons are scarce in your garden you are welcome to some of mine and I can throw in a few ferals as well if you want ;) I have been seeing a Jackdaw regularly just lately after not having one in the garden for a long time and the same goes for a Magpie...they are all welcome in my garden ;)
You should stay in more often, some great shots. That Bullfinch looks great.
Hi Warren.
I know what you mean about the weather, it was even worse at Dunge.
You have some great garden birds regularly visiting.
You can post as many shots as you want of the Bullfinch, it's a terrific passerine.
Lovely shots, especially the Bullfinches.
Stunning photos Warren...i particularly like the young Magpie (controversial eh?).
Hope the weather picks up for you soon so you can start nabbing them flutters
I am so envious of your Bullfinch shots that I am buying an extra feeder for the Sunflower hearts tomorrow in the hope that I can lure mine out from the bushes.
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