I again spent a couple of hours over at the Scrubby Woods and lakes this afternoon, Migrant Alley is just so disturbed lately, it's not worth the effort of walking round the fields and paddocks, unless I get there at at dawn.
I checked out the lakes first today, and saw one of the COOTS, but no sign of any young yet, there was no sign of any Goslings either, but they may be out in the adjacent field. Just one MOORHEN and 3 male MALLARD were the only other species on the water today.
In the woods I again had Garden Warbler as my target species, but despite hearing what might have been one, I didn't get a prolonged bit of song, and even that was drowned out by the SONG THRUSH, BLACKBIRD, CHAFFINCH, DUNNOCK, WREN, BLACKCAP, CHIFFCHAFF and CUCKOO that all sang constantly this afternoon. TURTLE DOVES and BULLFINCH'S called but went unseen, and a HOBBY flew over. Bird of the afternoon goes to the YELLOW WAGTAIL (59) that also flew over, giving it's distinctive call, I just got a glimpse of it as it bounded away NW.
Whilst wandering the woods I came across a COLLARED DOVE on it's nest, it flew off on my passing, and I could see the 2 white eggs through the nest, which was made of no more than 30 small twigs! I also found another nest, or rather it was carelessly shown to me by the female bird, a PHEASANT, she came in and silently dropped down a few yards from me, I then watched her walk through the brambles and sit on her eggs, i'd never of found it otherwise!
Butterflies today included, Orange Tip, Comma, Small and Large White, Speckled Wood, and Peacock, I also found a few Burnet Moths on the wing today, as well as relocating the White legged Damselflies.
Checking the Tree Nursery on the way home, was not very exciting, a SPARROWHAWK flew over clutching it's prey, the local SWALLOWS chased it excitedly into the Wet Woods. The WHITETHROAT continued to sing and display plus two GREEN WOODPECKERS chased about the shrubs. A PIED WAGTAIL chased insects on the bone dry ground, then sat up on an old metal cage for a photograph :-)
Photo's today include this fox, seen in the Scrubby Woods, I again managed to chop its paws off!

Great blog! Your moth is a Cinnabar rather than a burnet species :)
Thanks for the correction Marianne :-)
Marianne beat me to that, Warren.
Still neck & neck, i see.
I should of checked my books dean :-)
Great photos again Warren :)
I hope the old cage isn't a Larsen trap?
Well done with the Yellow Wagtail.
Songbird, the old cage was only kept for lifted Shrubs :-)
Another Yellow Wagtail, well done Warren, I keep listening but nothing yet :-)
The Cinnabar is early, or at least it is by the more exposed Sheppey standards. What you need now is some nice clumps of Ragwort for its delightful stripey caterpillars to feed on.
Looks like this glorious weather is coming to and end this weekend.
Nice one Warren, you have so many to talk about.
Well done with the Yellow Wag Warren. One day i'll get one at New Hythe. Your Fox looks a bit like a Wolf!
1 Cinnabar seen briefly here too - are they a tad early this year.
Oh for a fly over Yellow wag
Keep it going - garden warblers for both our patches tomorrow
Cracking photo of the Cinnabar moth...and congrats on the Yellow Wag Warren
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