This spring has been one of the driest on record here, but also, this spring must go down as one of the windiest! Today was an extreme case, a strong blustery wind strengthened throughout the day, and by the time I got out there were leaves, twigs and small branches scattered everywhere, even my water butt had blown off the wall of my house and was found down the side of the garden!
I thought twice about going out, but decided I would, it may have been blowing a gale, but at least the sun was shining. I sought the shelter of the Scrubby Woods and lake area, but the trees, now in full leaf, caught the wind, and were being tossed around like a giants hand was shaking them by their trunks!
Needless to say, trying to find birds and wildlife was very difficult, but I did hear a BLACKCAP doing its best to be heard, also a CHIFFCHAFF, and a very drowned out CUCKOO. I chased a family party of LONG TAILED TITS around for a photo, which I did eventually get, and also came across a family of GOLDCREST sheltering, as I was, in the best place we could. I checked up on the COLLARED DOVE nest, just one nestling was confirmed, it looks like it will be ready to fledge early next week.
On the lakes 10 CANADA GEESE and the BARNACLE GOOSE were taking shelter from the elements, and two MOORHENS were attending a chick, 3 drake MALLARDS and 1 female were lazing on the island, and it was good to see one of the COOTS again, carrying nesting material.
Surprisingly I found a few Butterflies as well, Large and Small white, plus a Red Admiral were seen, but trying to get photo's was near impossible, a Cinnabar Moth, and a Common Blue Damselfly were photographed though.
Sod all up here for me, Warren. Too windy & cloudy.
If the wind drops i might have an hours mothing/netting in the garden, later.
Strange weather for May Dean
At least you had some sunshine, none at all here, horribly high winds though. We did have a drop of rain here this afternoon! I wondered how you would get on if it was as windy on your patch as it is here.
Great photos again, I think the Red Admiral definitely has to be my favourite butterfly.
Nice to see some juveniles again.
You should be able to move your photos around anywhere you want when you are composing your post Warren just by cutting and pasting them. That's what I do.
Thanks songbird :-)
I'll try and have a go at the cutting and pasting bit ;-)
...it's been the driest on record for you, but the wettest for us! I guess it all evens out somehow... Loved the photos. The Cinnabar Moth is spectacular. We certainly don't have one like that here.
It will even out here too, all our rain will come in one month - probably August when we are all holidaying!
Warren ,
Dryest Spring for 100 years I heard today .
Saw some quite large limbs lying about on my way home .
You always manage a better Cinnabar Moth than I get .
Tomorrow should be better , alledgedly , that's till the ash starts !
I Take it they were tree limbs Greenie :-)
Bring the Ash - and the quiet skies :-)
Scary 100mph gusts not far from temporary Base Camp Warren - keep clear of those trees, they're cradshing down all over up this way.
Glad to hear it's not just Ireland getting a battering ;)
Would love to see a juvey LTT, not seen any at all since the last house (over a year ago!)
Lovely photos - hope the wind dies down a bit for you tomorrow :)
The weather was not good in Worcestershire either Warren.
Its good to see that your Goldcrests and LT Tits have done ok....juvtastic photos mate.
Juvenile birds, butterflies,damselflies. Haven't seen many of these for the last couple of weeks Warren. Had plenty of wind though :-)
Hiya Warren, them juvenile photos are superb mate
Beautiful shots, Warren. Wish we could send you some of our rain; it is a little soggy here. Today, though, was gorgeous.
I find it easier to cut and paste the text rather try to move the pics, at least with the new blogger.
I am still on the old editor as I find it more flexible so Wilma may well be right regarding the new one.
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