With all the excitement of the arriving summer migrants over, the main task now is to find evidence of successful breeding for the birds on my patch, and I had a small amount of success today. To date I have found fledged young for 16 species, and this afternoon I added a further two, those being GREAT TIT, and GOLDCREST, at least two fledglings of each were found in the Scrubby Woods. I also came across a family of 5 LONG TAILED TITS, they sat bunched up on a twig, and would of made for a great photo, alas, they were deep in cover and I could barely see them at all.
CUCKOO, TURTLE DOVE, BLACKCAP and CHIFFCHAFF were singing, and the latter three species are certainly nesting in the Scrubby Wood, and hopefully the Cuckoo will too, it just remains for me to find the young :-)
On the lake, just 2 drake MALLARDS, 2 MOORHENS, 6 CANADA GEESE and both the adult COOTS were seen, the Coots seem to have failed in their breeding attempt, but there is a chance that young may be hiding in the reeds.
Butterflies were on the wing again today, with the three white species being seen, as well as Speckled Wood, Peacock ( my first since the 5th) and more excitingly a Green Hairstreak, my second ever, it's probably the one I saw on the 10th, but what a beauty! More butterflies were seen in the Tree Nursery, (where i'm sure the WHITETHROATS are nesting) these proved easier to photograph, below is the Common Blue,

I like that Demoiselle shot, Warren.
I agree with Dean...although the little begger didnt want to show itself...the shot works great!
Dean, Jason,
You're my kinda guys :-)
Even the Brown Argus was doing its best to hide from you today Warren ;)
It was supposed to be sunny all day here... it wasn't :(
I have just been looking at your Bullfinch photos again, what a smart little chap he is!
Are the young Magpies still safe in your garden?
Hi Songbird,
my kinda gal :-)
Sad news about at least one of the Magpies i'm afraid. I heard a great squawking last evening, and saw that the Fox had got one ! Knowing foxes, it probably came back for the other two later. This is wildlife in action though, sad but fact :-( At least derek will be Happy :-) :-)
Unfortunately, yes he will :(
That's a shame but does show how Nature controls itself without any 'help' from us!
Exactly Songbird :-)
And how do you think that the young Magpies got put in a position where they could thankfully be nabbed by the fox - with help from you Warren! - so lets have less of this "without help from us" rubbish. By moving them you're as guilty as the rest of us for interfering, but thanks.
I only moved them 15 feet over a wooden slatted fence! Mr Fox would have no trouble finding them, whether I had moved them or not!
Nice one with the Green Hairstreak, seems to be a good year for them. Hopefully the good butterfly season will continue!
Nice demoiselle shot Warren - sometimes perfect isn't the necessarily the best.
Hi Warren, a fascinating and so far, great account of all the breeding activities on your patch to date. Good stuff mate.
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