Trying to hear the high pitch calls of young birds was difficult against the noise of that wind in the tree's, and I didn't add any new confirmed breeding species today, there were one or two other highlights amongst the 47 species seen though. As I crossed the sheep pasture at Migrant Alley, I saw 5 LESSER BLACK BACKED GULLS and 3 HERRING GULLS, they were on a sheep carcass, the second sheep ive seen dead here in a month. The usual CARRION CROWS and MAGPIES were helping themselves to bits of it too, and a Fox had its fair share also, what a good job all these much maligned creatures do in clearing up the countryside of a source of potential disease.
Nearby, in the wooded headland, two TURTLE DOVES purred, and the only WHITETHROAT of the day was seen. Moving on to the College Grounds, I managed to locate the pair of SPOTTED FLYCATCHERS, which stayed still long enough for a photo today. I tracked them to their potential nest site, which looks a bit precarious, situated as it would be on a creeper against a wall on one of the college buildings, right next to a busy door way and a seating area for the students, not a good site.
I was relieved to find my first YELLOWHAMMER (72) this month whilst I walked up Ashes lane on the second half of my patch visit, ive now equalled the best May species total, and have two days left to beat the record, if only the Garden warbler had turned up this year!
The Small Holding gave me a decent enough view of a LITTLE OWL, but too far away for a photo, the Wet Woods was infested with 'man eating' mossies, so I walked through a bit rapid, but did see some well grown MOORHEN young. Reaching the Lakes and Scrubby Woods, all was much as it was yesterday morning, I found the family of GOLDCRESTS again, and listened to the song of BLACKCAP, CHIFFCHAFF and another Turtle Dove, plus the call of both male and female CUCKOOS. CANADA GEESE, MALLARD and a COOT were on the lakes whilst overhead todays raptor species was represented by a SPARROWHAWK.
Below are a few of the photo's I took of the Spotted Flycatchers at the College Grounds

Cracking pic of the Fox, Warren.
Every chance now of beating the May record. Good luck for hte next 2 days.
I absolutely agree with you about the Crows etc. Warren, Nature's very own undertakers!
Beautiful photos, I especially like the first Spotty Fly and the open beaked Blue Tit, the way it was looking straight at the camera, I think it thought you were mum (OK then dad) :)
Well done on the Yellowhammer, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if you beat your record.
Lovely Spot Fly shots and nice to see the fox filling himself up.
1. Good to have the Spotted Flycatchers back.
2. Excellent shots of the young Blue Tit.
3. Worrying pic of the Fox and the dead sheep.
4. Still can't make comments on lots of blog I visit....long running Blogger issue.
5. Keep up the good work Warren.
There are alot of bloggers that cant sign in to the comments boxes. Anyone reading this - if you change the comments profile on your blog, people will again be able to comment :-)
Warren ,
Snap with the Yellowhammer .
Cracking shots of the Spotted Fly .
Hi Warren
what do we need to change in the comments profile?
If you go to your blog ''settings'' page, then to the ''comments'' tab ( in blue) Put ''no'' for word verification and put 'registered users' in the ''who can comment box'' Thats how mines set up :-)
Cracking flycatcher image and that fox image is very good as well.
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