In dull and dreary conditions I went to visit the lakes, on the way, passing through the smokey Small Holding and the Wet Woods I noted 4 GREEN WOODPECKERS chasing about a tree trunk, and two TREECREEPERS were doing the same a bit further on, all getting in the mood for the upcoming breeding season :-)
On the lakes is was much as it has been for the last week or so, but I wont knock that because that's better than normal! The CORMORANT was in it's lookout tree, and a GREY HERON fished in the shallows, the pair of COOTS fed contentedly, and the three pairs of CANADA GEESE had a lake each to themselves, just 1 pair of MALLARD and two pairs of MOORHEN were seen, although 3 Mallards did drop in whilst I was there.
A look around the Scrubby Woods was as I expected, two or three pairs of BULLFINCH, a singing COAL TIT, a pair of LONG TAILED TITS a single calling NUTHATCH and at least 4 singing GOLDCRESTS made for an entertaining half hour, a little more unexpected was hearing the hoot of a TAWNY OWL as I went to inspect the feeders in the garden of the adjacent house, these were of some interest as a LESSER REDPOLL was on the niger feeder, while around eight CHAFFINCH were on the floor feeding on spilt sunflower hearts, unfortunately there wasn't a Brambling amongst them .
I made my way over to my sky watching seat at Migrant Alley, not seeing much at all on the way, too much drifting smoke! My skywatch only turned up a YELLOWHAMMER, another Cormorant, which headed towards the lakes and numerous BLACK HEADED GULLS, with the odd HERRING GULL, no raptors at all today, not surprising with all that smoke about!
The camera stayed indoors today, so i'll put up the garden GREENFINCH photo's I took yesterday afternoon.
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Greenfinch |
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Greenfinch |
Hi Warren. Sorry I haven't been around for a while ... other issues to deal with.
Nice to see and hear so many Goldcrests at the moment. I also had a few minutes with a Firecrest last week but as usual it was far too nimble for the lens!
One thing I have noted is that Fieldfare no's in the last week have dropped dramatically .. is it the same with your patch?
Hi Frank,
Fieldfares have been scarce here all winter, compared to most years. It's at this time of year that I get better numbers on my patch, as they drop down onto the pasture and paddocks. 200-300 wouldn't be unusual in some years, but you can multiply that ten fold if the fields have been ploughed and manured!
Yesterdays record of a couple of dozen birds is the best ive had so far this winter though.
Yes a notable absence it seems of both Fieldfare and Redwing this summer, but not seen anything to read about whether this is national or not.
Whoa Warren....nice closeup on your photos. Lots of nice detail. Glad you had some better sightings. Hope things warm up soon for you.
Nice Greenfinch shots, Warren.
Pete, Summer Fieldfare ?? :-)
I would have thought in this day and age with all we know about pollution they would be shredding and composting instead of burning...just the thought of that smell takes my breath away...literally :-(
Lovely Greenfinch photos, Warren. They are visiting my feeders in large numbers at the moment.
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