Some great birds were seen today as well, HOBBIES continually hunted over my patch, at least two were present, a COMMON BUZZARD went over, and a KESTREL hunted as well, thats a '4 raptor' day with the Peregrine. Two WHEATEARS were feeding on the maize stubbles, along with MEADOW PIPITS, LINNETS,SKYLARKS and a mix of JACKDAWS, ROOKS and CARRION CROWS. Also at Migrant Alley, in the tall hedge, were a mix of YELLOWHAMMER, REED BUNTING, GREENFINCH and CHAFFINCH, they were making feeding forays into the Maize stubbles, making for an autumnal coloured scene.
At times the sky was full of migrating HOUSE MARTINS and SWALLOWS, which passed over in varying numbers, from 20, to as many as a hundred. A YELLOW WAGTAIL that went over calling, made up the trio of wagtails, as I had recorded a GREY WAGTAIL this morning, and 58 PIED WAGTAILS that flew from thier roost at the Greenhouses.
A Whitethroat that was seen around the Greenhouse complex, was the latest ever recorded, by eight days, and will surely be the last until next spring.

Really like the Hobby picture Warren
Warren ,
Great day/month tally .
Don't give up on September yet ,
Fieldfares reported in Sussex .
Another good read Warren and yes......a lot can happen yet in September.
Best Wishes
Pete W.
I knew you`d break your record, Warren. Well done, mate.
Well done with the Kingfisher!! Keep up the good patchwork.
Lots of time for even more yet Warren - go for 80! Always time for a good fluke.
Well done
...74 species and the best monthly tally ever recorded. That is really quite remarkable. Congrats on the new record. How many years back do your records go? The second photo of the young sparrow is very favorite.
A great tally Warren, well done with the Kingfisher, I have been hunting all year!!!
Four raptors in one day is excellent!
Lovely photos of the young House Sparrow.
The kingfisher is so elusive where I live but I hold out for the day I get a photo! Lovely sparrow photos...and wow on the 7.5 hrs at the patch!
Hi Warren,
Yes you did it.. Cool congrats on your record! and with a kingfisher, that's pretty well done... I just come back from the beach in Reykjavík and finally manage to see a common guillemot group at sea.... Number 86 for the year.. Maybe I'll reach 90 species who knows! I've not been going so much out these days, it is getting too cold and too much rain! I have for some reasons to avoid that!
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