It was barely light at 06:00 when I left the house, and not much was stirring, the ROBINS 'ticked' in the hedgerow along Ashes Lane, and WOODPIGEONS flew over, silhouetted against the eastern sky, a WREN let out a loud song, but that was drowned out by the yaffle of a GREEN WOODPECKER from the tree nursery. Just ten more species were found as I worked my way to Migrant alley, where I was a bit miffed to find a tractor ''mowing'' the maize stubbles. Blimey he must have been keen it was only 06:30!
The noise and disturbance of the tractor meant any birds that would have been around had gone elsewhere, however I did see two COMMON BUZZARDS drop down on one of the quieter fields, behind the Greenhouse Complex. I carried on down to the College stream, hoping to find my first Kingfisher of the month, but it did not oblige, I just carried on finding the usual suspects, Tits, Finch's, BLACKBIRD, SONGTHRUSH,COLLARED DOVE etc. I crossed the stream and went into the college grounds, again hoping to find a Kingfisher on one of the small ponds, but none was seen here either, JAY, CHIFFCHAFF, BLACKCAP and GOLDCREST were good finds for the daylist though.
Back at Migrant Alley, the tractor had finshed, and all was quiet again, I watched 2 LESSER BLACKED GULLS fly down onto the disturbed ground, and heard LINNETS, PIED WAGTAILS and MEADOW PIPITS all come down onto the stubbles. I don't think the stubbles will be around all winter this year, as the field is going to be 'rotated' and it will be pasture next year, this could be a blow for finding those Sedge and Reed Warblers for next year! Anyway I moved down the paddocks a little further and was pleased to see both the WHINCHAT and the WHEATEAR along the fence rail. Overhead a HOBBY had an encounter with a SPARROWHAWK - they called it a draw I think, and a flock of mixed GULLS went over HERRING and BLACKHEADED, a few minutes later it was good to see four MISTLE THRUSH go over, not seeing much of them at the moment.
The second half of my walk was a fairly quiet affair, the normal woodland species were found, NUTHATCH, TREECREEPER, BULLFINCH, but not one Long Tailed Tit was seen. Upon reaching the lake area I once more tried to find the elusive Kingfisher but again failed, I wasn't helped by the fishermen already there, shouting across from one side of the bank to the other!
I had reached 45 species after my circuit, but still had a bit of time to go and do half an hours skywatching at Migrant Alley, it didn't produce the Osprey or Honey Buzzard I wanted, but I did get HOUSE MARTIN, YELLOWHAMMER and two REED BUNTING for the daylist. 48 for the day is a good enough count for september, but still nothing new for the months list. Just one more will give me not only the september record, but will also equal the best ever months tally, reached in December last year, a strange month to have my best ever monthly count!

Warren ,
That Whinchat has definitely spotted you in the second shot .
Barmey weather , drove through fog to get to Leith Hill , then sweated hedgelaying .
No Raven , just Sparrowhawk and a Common Buzzard .
Enjoyed this read Warren. Have linked 'Pittswood Birds' from Birds2blog and don't forget I'm always on the lookout for comments just to prove I'm not posting to myself!
Best Regards
Warren: What a neat little bird you captured.
I was at the lake today and heard and saw a Great belue Heron squabble. I'm sure it was over fishing rights.
The weather was much better here than forecast Warren, a nice surprise!
I had to smile at the Hobby/Sparrowhawk encounter story!
I wish I could find the 'normal' woodland species more than once in a blue moon!!
"It was barely light at 06:00" Still pitch black up here at that time, Warren.
The one beneficial factor was the lack of wind.
We have similar looking birds but none by this name.
I spent one day restoring Patty's computer. She clicked on an email she had sent that could not be delivered and was returned. She was curious as to why it wasn't delivered and clicked on the notice. Well, it was a "worm" that locked her computer and wouldn't let her do anything. When I got up the next day, she came out in her PJs and said, "My computer won't come on."
I had to reformat the hard drive and return it to the factory, new, condition. She lost everything on the computer. I feel sorry for her as it takes a lot of time to put her things back on the computer that she had saved on an external hard drive. Beware folks. If you send an email and it comes back, you should not open it.
I have not been able to get around much of late.
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