The Maize stubbles were being ploughed in this afternoon, and I spent from 14:30 to 17:30 watching what might drop in. At first just 14 HERRING GULLS and one LESSER BLACK BACKED GULL were seen, I put this down to the fact that the soil being turned over was so dry, with very few worms being thrown up. I decided to take a walk through the Scrubby headland, in the hope of finding a rare Migrant, but as usual I didn't, but there was a party of 13 LONG TAILED TITS, and a CHIFFCHAFF that was following them.
I eventually made my way back to the plough, and sat down to watch, a COMMON BUZZARD flew high overhead, but it didn't seem to phase the Gulls, which had now been joined by about 100 BLACK HEADED GULLS. I scanned all that I could, but couldn't find a Med Gull. Half an hour later, the Blackheaded Gulls had doubled in number, and were joined by at least 3 COMMON GULLS, 14 more Lesser Blackback Gulls and 40 Herring Gulls.
30-40 LINNETS flew up each time the tractor passed them, and MEADOW PIPITS dropped in to join the crowd, as well as a few PIED WAGTAILS. More scanning of the Black Headed Gulls still didn't reveal a Med Gull, I looked through over 200 of them! I gave the fencelines a scan, just to give me something different to look at, and found yet another WHEATEAR, so I crept up and took its photo, I just had to!
Straight after the ploughing, the field was rolled, and then left to the birds, I watched 2 SKYLARKS drop in, 4 STOCK DOVES and 7 COLLARED DOVES, but another good scan of the Gulls didn't add anything to the September list.
There were no Swallows recorded today, and just 2 HOUSE MARTINS were seen, only a few more weeks and even these will be gone.
Below is a Comma Butterfly, enjoying the sunshine

Warren ,
There's us well happy with a Clouded Yellow sighting .
I've just read a report of 500+ in two fields at Birling Gap , Sussex , yesterday .
What gorgeous photos today Warren, really beautiful!
You just can't resist those Wheatears...and neither would I...if I ever saw one!
That field did look dry!
Gorgeous photo of the John Deere - more tractors for a former farmer boy please
PS Still time for 80!
HI Warren,
We are still under the rain here!!! I guess the winter is announcing itself as a potential bad one. We even got flakes yesterday, gosh too early. There are quite a lot of migrants in the south of the country, but then I've to drive 2 hours to see them, maybe I'll do that next week end!!
Good read again Warren.
I just commented on 'Greenie's' blog re the amazing 500+ CY butterflies in Sussex yesterday, please take a look at my comment to see what I'm saying.
I esp love that sharp shot of the wheatear, well done!
...the Long-tailed Tit photos are just adorable. This is a bird you are very lucky to have. It seems so exotic. We have nothing to compare to it here in Cincy...
I'm glad you're finally getting some good weather. It has been unseasonably warm over here too, not that I'm complaining either!
That long-tailed tit is a beautiful bird. It looks like a painted version of our comparatively drab bushtit.
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