I went over to the lake, and as usual had a look at the small holding area on the way, where GREEN and GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER wee seen, as well as a small group of at least 4 BULLFINCH, and a flock of mixed CHAFFINCH and GOLDFINCH, around a dozen were on the fallen crab apples. I moved on through the wet woods, but it was quiet here, just a few BLUE TITS and another Great Spotted Woodpecker. Upon reaching the lake I could hear lots of ''quacking'', and not surprising, as there were a minimum of 45 MALLARD on the water, there was also 5 CANADA GEESE, the first this month, 5 MOORHENS, and a CORMORANT, which flew up into a tree, but bird of the day was a lone COOT, a real scarce bird on my patch, although saying that, this is the fourth month this year Ive recorded one, ive been well spoilt!
I stayed around the lake for some time, it is a rare sight to see so much life on the water, but however many times I scanned the mallards, I couldn't make one into a Gadwall, or a Shoveler - they are real rareties!
In the end I left, and walked through the tree nursery, to get to Migrant Alley, and it was the tree nursery that gave me two more new species for the month, a SONGTHRUSH, (That shows how little ive been out this month) and best of all, a SNIPE, a very good bird to have on my patch, about the same rarity status as a Coot! The last Snipe I recorded was back in April.
I only had 20 mins skyscanning at Migrant Alley, but managed to hear the months first SISKIN go over, and a few HERRING GULLS, also a flock of 11 LESSER BLACK BACKED GULLS, a good number for my patch.
So with the five new species today, the months tally hits 50, lets hope the weather holds and I can get out a bit more frequently - it's been a bit stop and start this month!

Like the robin pic Warren
Warren ,
Well done with the Snipe , and of course the rare Coot .
Could only manage chainsaws and brushcutters up on the Ridge today .
Hi Warren,
50 already!! Wow not bad at all... I love your shots, especially the one of the lake, then we could see a bit of the environment you're scanning everyday. Here the sun was there Sunday and today but I got no time to go out! But this should change after next Sunday I hope!
Your lake looks a lot more closed in, compared to mine, Warren. I wonder if that`s why you don`t get much wildfowl. But saying that, you`re doing well.
...sounds like you had a much better day with the weather, and 50 species in just 4 days sounds promising to me! Love your Robin shot (always love the Robin shots).
Per your questions: My yard bird count is up to 53 species, the 53rd I actually added today. A Sharp-shinned Hawk landed on our deck, eyeing the birds at the little ceramic feeder! 53 is not bad for a suburban back yard (love that 4 have been added in the past 3 weeks).
Hi Warren.
Well done on getting the Snipe, and Coot.
50 isn't bad. Your on your way. Good luck with hitting your monthly target.
Lovely Robin photo Warren. No shortage of Coots around here so I could swap some for one of the many birds I never see, a GSW maybe ;)
I had to laugh about the ducks, I have tried to turn Mallards into other ducks many times! I loved the Cormorant looking rather comical on the tree too.
Well done on the Snipe, you could always send that in exchange for a Coot :)
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