Dense fog this morning meant another delayed start to my patch walk, missing the best part of the day in doing so, I hate fog!!
It was still quite foggy when I left at 07:00hrs, so not much was recorded as I did a circuit of Migrant Alley, I could here the LINNETS out on the paddocks, and just about saw a couple of SWALLOWS as they wove around the sheep, CHIFFCHAFF and BLACKCAP gave some weak song in the Wooded Headland, and on finishing the circuit of the fields at the Greenhouse Grounds, 2 COMMON WHITETHROATS were seen.
By the time I reached the Wet Woods the sun had come out, I could here the NUTHATCH around it's nest territory, and a TREECREEPER singing, plus a GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER drumming. I checked the MISTLETHRUSH nest as I walked on to the Lakes, she was off the nest when I arrived, but after a few minutes she returned, the male was also nearby, I reckon there are young in the nest now :-)
On the lakes, the MUTE SWAN was incubating, her partner had moved on to the Main lake, and was harassing the CANADA GEESE and MALLARDS there. At the small lake the GREYLAG GOOSE nest was checked, and I could see that young had hatched out, 2 at least, but viewing was difficult amongst the island vegetation, another species joins the 2014 'bred successfully' list :-) I gave the ornamental lake a good scan, but there was no sign of any COOT young, just one adult bird again.
A look through the Scrubby Woods didn't reveal any of the hoped for migrant species of Garden Warbler or Turtle Dove, but all the regulars were found, plus the rare sound of the TAWNY OWL was again heard. It was a particular pleasure for me to be able to get some kind of photograph of a BRIMSTONE BUTTERFLY whilst I was there, only my second ever chance of an image of this species.
Not the best shot, but one to savour :-) |
Brimstone Butterfly |
I made another visit to the fields and had a skywatch from my seat At Migrant Alley, not much was seen though, the best being a KESTREL, a BUZZARD and 2 LAPWINGS going over.
Later this afternoon I had a walk around the Ashes Lane Field, nothing of any note birdwise was seen, but I did have some other wildlife encounters ......
I chance upon this Bank Vole which was out in the open |
But this Lizard is a much rarer sighting on my patch, only the 2nd ever! |
It never came fully out into view |
But I was desperate to get images of this patch rarity |
Looks just like a dinosaur! |
Brilliant little creatures I reckon ! |
Thats a tasty Brinstone shot Warren, managed a few Orange Tip with the macro tonight. I'm optimistic about the results.
I didn't like the background of the Brimstone shot marc, and the light was a bit harsh, but i'm not gonna complain, Brimstones are a difficult species to get an image of here !
Warren ,
Well done with the Brimstone , looks like a female , they usually show that greenish underwing . Hope you didn't get too out of breath chasing her .
Some nice reptile shots too .
Greenie, didn't get out of breath - just ricked my back tripping over a bramble vine!!
Nice brimstone Warren, a really common species not found round here, been planting lots of buckthorn just in case though.
Lizards are great - where's it been hiding? You must have a little population somewhere they don't travel far on those little legs
Lizards are great Warren, always been a favourite of mine. Do you have refugia down somewhere on site?
No, I haven't got any refugia down, it would get tidied up!!
Hi mate.
Your butterfly and lizard shots are amazing.
May I ask what lens you used?
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