So once again it was a garden watching morning, not as productive as yesterday, due to the SPARROWHAWK returning around 11:00am onwards. The MOORHEN was back, feeding on worms, and bits of sunflower heart, and the MARSH TIT came in a few times, a lively WREN was busy in the undergrowth, while COAL TITS, NUTHATCH, GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKERS and a couple of WOODPIGEONS are all good birds to have in my garden.
The more usual species of BLUE and GREAT TIT, CHAFFINCH, GREENFINCH, GOLDFINCH, HOUSE SPARROW, DUNNOCK, BLACKBIRD, STARLING, ROBIN and COLLARED DOVE were all coming in in good numbers, but didn't come back after the Sparrowhawk kept visiting.
The more notabe species seen going over the garden, and in the vacinity, were : FIELDFARE, the local KESTREL, another MUTE SWAN that went south, and a group of MALLARDS that went over towards the Lake.
At around 13:00hrs I decided to go for a short walk over to the lake, if for nothing else just to get some fresh air! A LONG TAILED TIT flock was seen in the wet woods as I passed through, with a couple of TREECREEPERS with them. On reaching the lake, it was a case of Mallards and Moorhens, but a RING NECKED PARAKEET could be heard calling from some nearby cover, but I never did get to see it, but at least Ive added something to the November list at last!
Below is a female Blackbird, I saw feeding on hawthorn berries

Hi Warren.
Sorry you are still unwell. It seems to sticking with you.
One question though, if you was able to ask the Moorhen which food it preferred, the worms or sunflower hearts, would it's answer be, "I'm not sure, I will have to sit on the fence" !!!
You had a far better day than me, Warren. Mine was dire. Well, save for a November tick.
You can`t seem to shake that virus off, can you ? Here`s hoping you do.
Warren ,
Another day hedgelaying up on the Ridge , only sightings were Redwings and Fieldfares , robbing the local Mistle Thrush's Yew berries .
Hope you get fit soon .
That was just awful!!!
Hi Warren...
Just stay in bed for few days mate, until you are fully well.. Well done on the pictures, I love the moorhen, it is funny to see it on a fence.... the woodpecker is very nice too...
Here also the weather is bad and nothing really nice to observe at the moment, just redwings and starlings!!
Hi Warren, I agree with Chris - you really should just stay in bed otherwise it may take even longer for you to recover!
Love the photos of the Moorhen, seems so out of place!
Thanks for your comments on my blog.
sorry your still feeling unwell, hope you will improve very soon, I love looking at your photos, you have so many that I have never seen,
we only have a small garden which backs onto fields and only seem to get the same birds all the time, but I will keep watching maybe one day something new will come along.
take care,
It sounds a lot like the dreaded swine flu to me Warren but it does seem like you are gradually getting over it, plenty of rest is what's needed
I still think you are in need of a lodger to help identify all those great birds in your garden! The case is packed ready :) I think the beeb could do Spring and Autumnwatch from your garden!
I can't get over seeing a Moorhen sat on a fence! It looks so odd.
Great photos on this and the last post.
Love the Woodpecker shot. It's infuriating when the birds are abundant in the garden but the light isn't!
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