A sighting of a HOBBY was very nice as I walked to work this morning, as was hearing a TURTLE DOVE singing from the north end scrub at Migrant Alley.
This afternoon I was back over at the Lakeside scrub, hoping, but failing, to find a Marsh Tit, will one turn up this Autumn ? Strolling around the Oaks and Brambles, it was evident that it was going to be a Butterfly day again, rather than a bird day, although I did hear SONGTHRUSH and BLACKCAP singing, and the NUTHATCHES called from somewhere in a large Oak. The water held just two MOORHEN, two MALLARD and a GREY HERON.
Purple Hairstreak butterflies were on just about every Oak tree I checked out, whilst Gatekeepers and Commas were also numerous lower down. A couple of Peacock butterflies were seen, and Meadow Browns were being flushed up every second step :-)
Whilst waiting for a Purple hairstreak to settle on some bramble, I noticed a large orange butterfly come down, I thought it to be another comma, but when I looked at it properly I was ecstatic, for I found it to be a Fritillary ( later confirmed as a Silver Washed Fritillery) What a find for my patch!! A complete lifer butterfly for me, it's great when you find these things for yourself, and they come to you on your patch :-) I manged a photo, but not as good a one as I had wished. Frustratingly, not once but twice it settled down so close to me that the lens couldn't focus, and in moving back a bit, I scared it away .
A few moments later, I looked up at a noisey helecopter, and saw a COMMON BUZZARD going over, only the second sighting this month - makes me wonder what raptors I miss with all this butterfly hunting lark :-)
Photo's today are of the female BULLLFINCH at my garden feeders........

What a brilliant day, a day for remembering in the middle of winter. Its what patch watching is all about.
Warren ,
Well done with the SWF , a male , identified by the four black bars across the forewing .
Did you check for the egg that the PH laid ?
Confirm your immature Southern Hawker , identified by the broad antehumeral stripes behind the eyes .
Cheers for all the Id confirmation Greenie - I did look for the PH egg but couldn't make anything out - not without my reading glasses :-)
Nice one with the SWF Warren. It's great to find something new.
Nice one with the SWF, Warren. Only ever seen them once and that was on a butterfly twitch to Oxon.
All went to contribute to my slowly turning green with envy as I read your post for today Warren and I see you know why having visited Birds2blog.
You had a good day there Warren! Congrats on the SWF, I still haven't seen one. I don't think I have seen a Southern Hawker either :(
Great photos throughout! A particularly smart Gatekeeper I thought.
Hi Warren.
I would have been pleased with your day today. Lovely shot of the S/W/F/Butterfly. Well done on getting a lifer. Well done also with the C/Buzzard.
A good day for Butterflies and a nice record shot of the Southern Hawker Dragonfly.
Wow, Warren! Your butterfly shots are gorgeous. Sounds like you had a very good day...hope you have another lucky day tomorrow!
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