This afternoon things turned a bit cloudier, but it was still bright enough to get some photo's at last. I set off on my now usual winter walk, of the small holding, wet woods and Lake/scrub area, only visiting Migrant Alley briefly.
It was good to find 3 male and 2 female BULLFINCH'S in an overgrown area, on the way to the small holding, where another new species for the month, a GREEN WOODPECKER was seen in the Orchard. The wet woods was a bit wetter, after the rain, but not wet enough to find any Teal in there, just a GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER, and a few MOORHEN were seen.
It was the turn of the lake to give some excitement to this afternoons walk, the months first GREY HERON was seen, as well as the first CORMORANT fishing there since Apr 14th. The usual MALLARDS and MOORHENS were about, but the most pleasing find was - at last - MANDARIN DUCK (108), 3 in fact, 2 Males and a Female, the year list goes up by one more, and last years record yearly total of 106 species is left well behind!
Whilst at the lake two more new monthly species were found, the MARSH TIT, which was with a flock of LONG TAILED TITS, and another good one for my patch REDPOLL, at least 3 went over calling.
I made my way over to Migrant Alley and had a short Skywatch, and checked the tall hedge, the latter had the first LINNET of the month, and the skywatch produced a COMMON GULL, not often recorded on my patch, so another good one for the November total. Also noted going over was another GREY HERON, 3 BLACK HEADED GULLS, 5 SKYLARKS, and 10 PIED WAGTAILS that came over to the Greenhouse complex to look for a roost site.
So eleven more for November, and some good species amongst them, brings the list to 44. There are a few more species that i should find easy enough, Treecreeper and Yellowhammer, an Owl Species, maybe another gull, but it's gonna be hard to get to that 66 I got last year!

Nice one warren keep it up mate.
Warren ,
So that's where my Manderins have gone .
Well done on a very good day .
p.s. No birds talked to me today !
Congrats Warren on the good day! The Dunnock might have said you didn't look funny but I'm sure he was smirking!!
Sorry, forgot to say...nice photos by the way!
I saw a Grey Wagtail the other week for the first time - nice little bird.
Nice one, Warren. That`s me playing catch up, again.
On a roll! And still 2 months to go. Keep it up Warren, reckon your going to get Waxwing on the patch before the year's out!!
A very good day Warren!
I'm with Sharon on what the Dunnock was really thinking :)
Congrats on the mandarin duck, Warren! Neat! And congrats on upping your yr'ly total record...I thought you would. :o) Nice photos too, by the way.
That Bullfinch is probably a nice bird in all its color.
Well done with the Mandarin! Great photos too.
Well done on the 108th Warren, and a stunning species as well!
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