I made my way over to Migrant Alley, where 5 HERRING GULLS and 39 BLACK HEADED GULLS were feeding on the water logged sheep pasture, a few MEADOW PIPITS flew up as I walked the fields, and around a dozen SKYLARK dropped in to the new seeded field - which is coming up very fast and green! As I walked the tall hedge, I could here the loud calls of JACKDAWS and ROOKS coming from beyond it, as I reached the hedges end I could see at least 500 of the corvids mobbing a COMMON BUZZARD over the top of the small wood that lies beside the Greenhouse complex, a nice species to get for the November list, bringing the 60 up.
Making lists, and breaking records, is all good fun, but it has a serious side, looking back at the Common Buzzard records for my patch, they show how this species has colonised my area over the years, none were recorded in 2002 or 2003, the first one to show up was in Sept 2004, that was the only record for that year. In 2005 I had records for Common Buzzard in two months, in 2006 I had records in 4 months, 2007 in 7 months, 2008 in 9 months, and this year I have recorded it in every month so far. All good scientific data!

Good news about the Buzzard, Warren - always nice to hear when a bird of prey is doing well!
Hi Warren.
Nice to know that the Common Buzzard is seen regularly in your area.
It is easy to see how the Buzzard has now become our most common bird of prey.As with you, they are seen most days over here now, compared to just last year, they wasn't around. They have not only moved in, and nesting, but successfully breeding here now by the looks of it.
On the days I see them I tend to spend ages watching them soaring around.
They are also known as the poor mans Golden Eagle
Warren ,
Did two hours too , 1-3 pm .
Got home before the gloom .
See your Coal Tit is engaged , well , got a ring on .
The coal tit was ringed from my friends garden just up the road from me. lots of local common birds have been ringed by him!
Your coal tit is like our chickadee. The buzzard data is interesting too.
Hi Warren,
Well done for the buzzard and the 60 this month. you're right to think that these are very valuable data, and I can tell you that scientist will die to get your data ;-)
...very interesting, Frank. Spotting trends in data is so important. You've been doing it for so long now, I imagine you have a large array of data. Do you use any reporting/charting software. I like when the numbers are crunched into visuals.
p.s. Sorry for calling you Frank...Warren! As I clicked the button, a bell rang in the back of my head and when I reread my entry, I knew why. Oh well...what can you do! :-)
"I was out for two hours"
2 hours more than me, Warren.
I agree, interesting data on the Buzzards.
Very good news about the Buzzard and yes that really does show the value of recording what you see over the years. Thanks for answering my query on the last post :)
Warren: Really neat photos of the gulls, thanks for sharing.
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