The usual ''winter'' route was walked this afternoon, but it was very quiet, and there was little change, if any, from yesterday. This warm and windy weather is no good for finding the winter birds! I had to make do with a few CHAFFINCH in the small holding, mixed Tits in the wet woods, and my old friends the MALLARDS on the lake, around 30 of them today. A BULLFINCH and a TREECREEPER were seen around the lakeside vegetation, but that's as good as it got!
The only winter birds seen today was a flock of around 60 FIELDFARES that flew over Migrant Alley.

I took a photo of the tree nursery as I left the wet woods - Above. You can see over the top of the Laurel shrubs and onto the Greenhouse complex roofs, behind those is Migrant alley. The green grass in the foreground was part of the tree nursery last year, earlier this year all the remaining saplings were removed from it, and it was ploughed and seeded with grass. Last winter I found Firecrest, Woodcock and Snipe amongst all the tangle of shrubs and brambles there. It will be difficult finding them this year on my patch!
Below is a photo looking back to the wet woods across the same seeded field, I'm going to call this area 'Marchants' field from now on (as the tree nursery has left here), after the owners of the field.

Having not seen a great deal on my afternoons walk, I used the last dregs of sunlight to try and get some photo's of the last few birds at the garden feeders, all I got was this GOLDFINCH

..................and this GREAT TIT..................

............................and this BLUE TIT............. I'm really struggling on my patch now. :-)
I enjoyed your photos in your post today.
Hi Warren,
I enjoyed the photo too. I love the blue tit one... I almost did not go out for the last 12 days... Bad weather, rain, sometime flakes and very few birds in my area! Well guess I'll have to wait for the next spring!
It's a shame when habitats change, but I guess the field was a managed area - maybe it'll attract something different different this winter?
You got sunshine - what is exactly is that?
...why on earth would someone want to plow a woody/brushy area over and plant grass. Now they have to cut it. It would be nice if they let the grass go and turned it into a natural meadow! Hope the weather cooperates for you this weekend, and you get a few more for you count.
Keep struggling Warren.
At least you`re getting onto the patch, Warren.
I`m up to my elbows in work :-(
Well to this Yank, that "just a goldfinch" is pretty interesting! So different than the US goldfinch! Nice to see parts of your bird patch too.
Sunlight??? I wish! Nice to see the garden birds, not enough light for photographing them here :(
Hi Warren.
It seems as if the birds are playing hard to get, at the moment.Things can only improve. Good luck.
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