Today was an absolute washout! Persistent, and at times heavy rain from 11:30 onwards, kept me indoors for the day.
The only birding done was the half hour walk into work early this morning, where I came upon a NUTHATCH hanging upside down feeding from a pine cone, at the College Grounds, I don't see Nuthatches on this part of my patch very often, and this was a young bird, no doubt dispersing from the natal area.
Hopefully, I'll be out early tomorrow morning for a full patch walk, if this rain stops!!
Bit of a wet dunnock myself today, Warren. Currently very soggy on the IoW with maybe a glimmer of sunshine on Sunday.
Not quite what we expect for june is it Rob. It can only get better!!
Dull all morning and wet this afternoon. As you said not a good day for photos or walks really.
Nice photo of the Dunnock though Warren.
Hope you have a good weekend :)
Yep, it is not the right time for photographer. At least, you got a picture of the Dunnock.
Warren ,
Did get out for a while this morning , but chased home by that rain .
Thanks for the correction of the Sedge Warbler , a case of too much happening I think . Will mention on next post .
Hi Warren, the Dunnock might be a bit bedraggled but still a nice photo! Fingers crossed for the weekend :-)
I think we'll have to get use to this weather, the forecast is for this to continue well into July, still all those people complaining about it being too warm a few weeks ago must be jubilant - sad lot.
Imagine sitting through the opening ceremony of the Olympics next year in this traditional English summer weather.
Good dunnock shot - I find them tricky to get a decent pic of! Think you got the persistent heavy rain we were supposed to get but only materialised as short drizzly showers - still the forecast forced me in to getting some jobs done rather than getting out n about.
Holding out here for better weather on Sunday, Warren. Nice Dunnock shot, though. Worth the soaking.
The weather was the same here Warren...the day was pretty much a right off
Like the Linnet pose and the Swallow being fed, well caught. A day for the rain and wind but hopefully a few things to come soon.
Fed up of rain too. Love your swallow feeding shots
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