I made my first visit to the Lakes and Scrubby Woods since Sunday, and found small numbers of Birds, Butterflies and Damselflies to keep me amused. A LONG TAILED TIT flock, with a few BLUE and GREAT TITS made their way noisily through the Wood, where two TURTLE DOVES, two to three BLACKCAPS and four CHIFFCHAFFS sang. A BULLFINCH was heard softly calling from a dense piece of scrub, but I couldn't locate it, or any young that it may have been with. I was also on the lookout for any JAY offspring, but despite finding the adults squawking loudly no young were found with them.
I turned my attention to the insect world, and in the sheltered spots between the Oaks, I waited for the sun to come out, which it did every now and then, allowing for a few Butterflies to show, A Purple Hairstreak was up high, sitting out of camera range on an Oak leaf, but I had better luck with one of the two Red Admirals that were fighting over this sunny space, a Speckled Wood, Small White and a Small Skipper were also seen.
Down low in the grassy vegetation, Blue Tailed, Azure, and White Legged Damselflies were found, mostly the latter.
Walking home through the Tree Nursery, two WHITETHROATS were singing, and the LESSER WHITETHROAT made a visit from the Greenhouse Complex territory opposite. A SPARROWHAWK that flew over was the only raptor for the day
Not a very inspiring day! The weather looks set to remain pretty rubbish until Sunday, when it's going to go to the other extreme - hot and humid - you just cant win!
Photo's for today. Red Admiral below

Sounds like an idyllic day's nature-watching. The damselfly images are absolutely superb – Tim
Warren ,
With that light band around the middle , I'd say Volucella pellucens . Like you , I've spent much time for the 'hover shot' .
My money would be on immature/female on all your WLDs .
Nice crisp Red Admiral .
Thanks Tim,
I like the way the camera caught the hairs on the Damsels legs!
There doesn't seem to be a lot of Adult Male WLD about at the moment. Doesn't the time fly when your messing about with the Hover fly shots ;-)
Lovely sharp Red Admiral, Warren
Nice pictures Warren. I too have been down the hoverfly in flight road. I've given up now.
My favourite butterfly and a cracking photo of it Warren :)
My theory is that the Chiffchaff is practising for when it does need to attract a mate or defend its territory. Of course it could just have been full of the joys of life and entertaining you :)
Oh dear Warren, what a tormented life that you live, you don't like the current weather and before its even got here you don't like the much better weather that's due on Sunday.Sometimes in life perfection doesn't come your way.
Great White-legged Damselfly shots Warren.
Cracking Red Admiral too. They are in short supply round Shenstone this year
P.s. thats really interesting about the young Chiffy singing..I've also learned something new there
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