In the Scrubby Woods, I had a mixed set of sightings, Large Red, Blue Tailed, White Legged and Azure Damselflies, with Butterflies represented by Small White, Comma, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood and a cracking Painted Lady, my first this year and the 20th species of the year. I also stopped to photograph a couple of the large Volucella hoverflies, one being a pellucens, the other a Zonaria type. I even found interest in a fungi - a Stinkhorn :-)
The birds encountered in the Woods were the usual crowd, and thats what they were for the most part, a crowd! NUTHATCH, TREECREEPER, BLACKCAP, GREAT TIT, BLUE TIT and LONG TAILED TIT, plus one or two CHIFFCHAFF and WRENS had all decided to feed in a single group amongst the safety of the cover provided by the Oak trees. TURTLE DOVE, SONGTHRUSH and BLACKBIRD all sang in the background.
Another stop at the Tree Nursery on the way home was only noteworthy for the LESSER and COMMON WHITETHROATS seen, and maybe the LESSER BLACK BACKED GULL that went over being chased by two CARRION CROWS.
It'll be good to get out and do a full patch walk tomorrow morning, hopefully the wind will have died away. Just two new species are required for the months list to equal the best June tally of 68, three would be nice though!
I didn't manage a single bird photo today, but here's the Painted lady Butterfly

Warren ,
Well done with the Painted Lady and a great shot too .
Only seen one myself , in the garden 8th.May , during the hot weather .
The LRDamselflies seem to have been around for ages .
Your fungi is very upstanding !
I wonder if the P L is the vanguard of a small invasion, ahead of the warmer air comimg up from the south ?
I didn't see any Painted Ladies last year, plenty the year before though along with everyone else ;) I doubt I will see any this year the way things are going although there is plenty of time yet.
Great photos again.
As you say, there is plenty of time yet for seeing lots of flutters, some haven't even emerged yet :-)
All we need is some warm ( not too warm though!) weather :-)
Nice invert pics there Warren and stil a week to go for another bird or two
Phew, I bet your glad you picked up the Little Egret Warren. I'm the same, I tend to focus on the butterflies more this time of year.
Cracking Painted Lady. I havent hasd one at Shenstone since 2009
Hi Warren,
Lovely photo`s! Cracking shot of the Painted Lady. Saw my first one of the year the other day whilst at work, although it looked a bit worse for wear!
Hi Warren.
Stunning photo of the Painted Lady.
Also well done with spotting the Little Egret. Some nice Damselflies seen also.
Good luck with your weekend walks, especially in the better weather
Classic Painted Lady there Warren - not seen one here thus far.
Looking forward to my first Painted Lady Warren....if get one at all this year!
Not had the weather for butterflies yet up here in't north, though three Small Skipper today just to contradict that remark.
Very nice Painted Lady shot Warren, Ive seen 2 this year, 1 on my patch, and the other at Larkfield Lakes.
That first shot is absolutely stunning. It would make an awesome poster/calendar/postcard/you get the idea. :)
Nice Painted Lady, Warren.
I dread to say this, but you`re 10 ahead of me for this month`s birds :-(
You have some very nice photos.
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