I decided to have a walk over to the lakes and Scrubby Woods. Here, on the ornamental lake were this GREYLAG GOOSE family, they have lost one of there young in the last week.
A family of CANADA GEESE were also present, plus both COOTS. On the main lake I struggled to see anything at all, just 2 MALLARD and two MOORHEN, one being an almost independent immature bird. Then, a flash of blue across my bins, and a KINGFISHER (63) was on the months list, it disappeared into the overhanging bank side vegetation, and I lost it.
A walk round the adjacent Scrubby Woods was as it has been for a week or so now, singing BLACKCAPS and CHIFFCHAFFS, a CUCKOO was still calling, and TURTLE DOVES were coming and going overhead, they must be feeding young now, all I've got to do is find some fledglings to confirm successful breeding for this year. A look around the Oaks for purple Hairstreak Butterflies was not successful, unsurprising in the windy conditions, but down on the floor a Large Skipper was seen, as well as a couple of Small Whites and a Red Admiral.
That was it for today! The Kingfisher takes the months list to 63, which is equal to the 2006 June total and is the 5th best June of the ten years recording.
Lovely photo of the Kestrel Warren and it enlarges beautifully too.
Well done on the Kingfisher and you seem to be doing very well for the first week in June :)
Nice Kestrel Warren. I Still haven't found a Large, or Small Skipper yet.
Good to see your Kingfisher especially following the 'ice age' of the past winter Warren....Great stuff.
Fantastic Kestrel shot Warren...very nice indeed. Its all very quiet round here on the bird front too!
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