Realising it would be pretty poor for birdlife in that heat, I headed off to look for Butterflies and odenata, but sought the relevant shelter of the Scrubby Woods in favour of the more exposed Tree Nursery. I did though have a look around the Lakes before entering the woods, and found the 9 adult CANADA GEESE with 8 immatures on the main lake, also 8 MALLARD and a MOORHEN. The ornamental lake had another pair of Canada Geese with 3 well grown young, and the GREYLAG GEESE with their 5 young, plus one of the COOTS.
As I walked the footpath to the Scrubby Wood, the heat and humidity began to build, all was silent and I couldn't hear a thing except for buzzing flies and the crisp leaves crunching underfoot, I let my mind wander for a minute, then..... Squwaaark... a JAY cried out right beside my left ear, and flew off into the woods, nearly gave me a heart attack!! That will teach me not to pay attention :-)
Butterflies were not as plentiful as I thought they would be, but there were enough to keep me amused, all 3 White species were visiting the Bramble flowers, as were Meadow Browns. Up above in the Oaks, just one Purple Hairstreak revealed itself, and whilst waiting for it to come in range of a photo, which it never did, two Comma's flew past in an aerial joust. Red Admiral and Small Tortoiseshell were seen amongst the nettles and only one Large Skipper was seen. Bird song was almost non existent, just a BLACKCAP and an agitated WREN made any noise!
After an hour the heat forced me into leaving for home, a cool shower was just too tempting :-) I decided on just a brief walk along the hedgerow of the Tree Nursery, as I was passing that way, and was pleased I did because I found the first Small Copper of the month, and scores of Small Skippers. Also on the wing were scores of White Legged Damselflies, with a couple of what I think are female Blue Tailed Damsels see top two photo's . Click on them to enlarge :-)

I only ever see a Jay when it takes flight and yet they are such colourful birds.
Haven't noticed any of those White Legged damselflies round here - I think they all go to tanning studios.
I know that 'waiting for a PH to come into range' too well , so frustrating .
Your Sm. Copper will be the first of the second brood , 3rd. in October .
Spot on with the female BTDamselflies .
I think for ' let my mind wander for a minute' I detect doze Warren ;)
It is ages since I saw a Jay!
I just heard on the TV that it was 34c in east Kent, not sure if that is you! We have had grey skies since mid-morning and spits and spots of rain this afternoon, very warm though!
Lovely Small Copper photo.
The Damselflies are wonderful, and the Small Copper.
You may not have WL Damsels Rob, but you sure get some good Butterflies!
Cheers Greenie,
My Damsel ID is going strenth to strength
I'm in West Kent, but it was 33C here! Much more sensible weather tomorrow though :-)
I recorded 32 deg C up here yesterday, Warren. Far too uncomfortable.
Wouldn't mind some of your WLDs up here Warren
Burnt the back of me neck yesterday...did't put me bush hat on!!!! Bally chilly now though
Well over here we are still getting crappy and windy weather.. THis has been the worse season ever for me and photography!!! Let's hope it will at one point get better... Nice shots of the damsel Warren..
I bet that Jay woke you up Warren! Nice pics of those Damselflies too mate.
I'm with Derek on the temps - the 80s are perfect to me, as long as I don't have to work too hard in the sun and there is a cool drink at hand. ;-)
Hi Warren, you are doing well with the White Legged Damselflies, I've only managed one so far :-( Nice pics too.
Hello Warren, lovely pics of the White Legged Damselflies, Ive never come across them before, Linda
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