Just 45 species were seen today, seven fewer than yesterday, but I saw both COAL TIT, and more surprisingly a LAPWING, which was in the Maize crop at the Pub Field, these two were not on yesterdays list. I saw the immature GREY WAGTAIL on the run off pool again, nice to have that stay around, but apart from that, and maybe a BLACK HEADED GULL, which are scarce here in May/June it was a fairly mundane visit.
Of the summer migrants, CHIFFCHAFF, BLACKCAP, WHITETHROAT, CUCKOO, and TURTLE DOVE all sang, while SWALLOW, HOUSE MARTIN and SWIFT were all seen hawking insects above Migrant Alley, there was no sign of the Reed Warbler over in the willow thicket at the College stream this morning though.
On the lakes, just a COOT, two MOORHEN and four MALLARD were present, not a single Goose was seen, they were probably just off patch grazing in a nearby field.
No Butteflies, Damselflies, or Dragonflies were out, unsurprisingly given the conditions, which also caused my camera to stay at home today.
I did attempt some photography this afternoon whilst at home, but as you can see from the results below it wasn't really the weather for it! One more species for the day was added when a SPARROWHAWK came through the garden, the first attack since mid April, I suppose it will now resume it's daily rounds, putting all the birds on edge while they visit the feeders, it's been nice seeing them out in the open and in places where they don't usually go, making for good photographs, all that May well end now :-)

It certainly has been wet today Warren. Lots of people will have welcomed it. But I didn't!! Well done for getting out in it.
I have to agree with Phil, its needed but not enjoyable to suffer. Walking round the Swale NNR at 7.00 this morning felt almost late winter-like under grey skies and in a cool and strong NE wind.
Phil, Derek,
As I think ive said before, I dont mind a bit of wet, or cold, it's the wind that I hate!
Cold up here too, Warren. But at least it was dry. Not that that made a difference to my day.
Yes, it was raining. Still, its alright if only for a while.
It looked like it might rain here this morning; putting the washing out made it a certainty!
Your recent birds photographed amid the holly look almost Christmassy.
Just 45 species today hein ;-) Well I've not seen that many over here in Tromso and certainly not 45 but some lifers still ;-)
Your camera does far better in dull weather than mine Warren, lovely photos.
It wasn't too bad here, no rain but the TV weather man threatened some so we went in the direction that he said would be best. Got part of the way there and it started raining but we carried on thinking we would go through it. Still raining when we got to our destination, no coats so we sat in the car and waited for it to stop... and waited... and waited...it didn't stop! So we came home again where it was still fine and did some gardening :(
We are all different. I was quite excited by the wind today for obvious reasons seawatching. Nice shots from today and a good species total considering the weather.
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