This afternoon the weather was much better, scattered cloud and warm sunny periods - easily the best day of the week so far :-) I spent 2 hours this afternoon over at the Scrubby Wood and lake area, ending up at Migrant Alley. Not much was about really, TURTLE DOVES were singing lustily in the Scrubby Wood, a few BLACKCAP and CHIFFCHAFF were about, a family of noisy WRENS were seen, as well as two NUTHATCH, a TREECREEPER and two squawking JAYS, which I still am yet to find the young of !
Small, Large and Green Veined White Butterflies were on the wing, as well as Comma, Meadow Brown, Small Skipper and Purple Hairstreak, a Common Darter was found also, the first this year.
Whilst crossing the Tree Nursery to get to Migrant Alley, both SPARROWHAWK and KESTREL were seen, but better still was the sighting of at least 100 SWIFTS feeding over a grass field that was being cut adjacent to the Greenhouse Complex. I continued watching the Swifts while on my seat at Migrant alley, hoping for a Hobby to turn up, but it didn't, which pleased the Swifts :-) A couple of WHITETHROAT sang in the tall hedge behind me, and a family of Blackcaps flitted around the Greenhouse Grounds, the only flyover of note was a LESSER BLACK BACKED GULL ( below) which was also attracted to the insects over the fresh cut field.

Looks like you`ve beaten me this month, Warren. Well done mate.
Only because you were i'll most of it!
Next month will be different ;-)
Warren ,
I remember watching Swifts over the meadow at Spring Park Pond the other year , as it was being mowed .
Wonderful sight .
Really great pictures and you came up with baby bunny, that's good.
Barely any sun here Warren :(
My favourite photo today is the Wren but it's hard to resist that bunny :)
Congrats on the Sand Martins Warren...that bit of skywatching paid off!
Nice Wren pic Warren, I still need Sand Martin for the year!! :-)
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