In that hour, I visited the Tree Nursery, where in the initial bright and humid conditions a number of butterfly species were seen, including Essex and Small Skippers, Small and Large Whites, Gatekeepers, Meadow Browns, and a lone Peacock. The family of WHITETHROATS were heard in the hedgerow, but only two showed themselves, other birds were few and far between, but of note were both GREEN and GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKERS, as well as a calling CHIFFCHAFF, a species that isn't normally seen in the nursery.
I made my way over to Migrant Alley, the dark clouds were already coming over, a short sky watch there was quite productive, with KESTREL, and BUZZARD going over, as well as a HERRING GULL and ten BLACK HEADED GULLS, ive not seen that many since the winter. SWIFTS continued to be seen, feeding amongst the SWALLOW flock over the sheep pasture, which has now been reduced by another few acres in favour of a new horse paddock, a new fence was being erected across the field this morning, not good news really, Migrant Alley is already much more disturbed than in recent years, it remains to be seen if this affects the number of passage birds visiting.
I got some early photo's on my less than satisfactory visit, all of butterflies, the first is of a Large White.

Great shots!
Nice set of pics there, Warren. Sorry, but i can`t find that Spider in my limited resources.
My resources are even more limited Dean :-(
Thanks Rohrerbot!!
Another difficult day Warren. It's got to break soon, surely.......
Hi Warren...nice photos mate.
The spider looks like it may be a Enoplognatha ovata but they are a variable species in coulouration so it is hard to tell at that angle
Warren ,
Fortunately we got back to the yard before the rain started .
You were there , but that first Skipper looks a strong Essex contender .
Hi Warren, hopefully the anticipation is building for a busy autumn passage :-) I hope migrant alley is'nt affected too much by the changes.
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