An initial trek around the Tree Nursery, was a bit disappointing for butterflies, a few Meadow Browns, one or two Small Skippers and a dozen Gatekeepers were about it, this was more than made up for when a Common Buzzard came soaring over, slow and menacing, awesome birds! A family of LINNETS were also seen, but I didn't hear or see the Whitethroat family today.
As yesterday, I walked up between the Maize crop and the hedgerow at the Pub Field, but the only birds seen coming from the maize were CHIFFCHAFFS, i'll keep checking this area though :-) The walk led me on to Migrant Alley, once again, as yesterday, a flock of Linnet/GOLDFINCH were seen on the paddocks, along with a few STARLINGS and PIED WAGTAILS, plus a GREEN WOODPECKER on one of the fence posts. Up above, SWIFTS and SWALLOWS fed, and flyovers from LESSER BLACKED BACKED, HERRING and BLACK HEADED GULL were seen, the latter now in its winter plumage.
My next stop was over at the College Grounds, just to see and also try to photograph some SPOTTED FLYCATCHERS, I found one family of 3 young, being actively fed by both parents, and did get some photo's of each. Whilst stalking the Spotfly's I noticed a SONGTHRUSH family on the lawns, and a GOLDCREST family in the nearby pine trees, also a couple more butterfly species, Holly Blue and Red Admiral.
Lets hope the weather holds for tomorrows full patch walk, and fingers crossed for a new species for the month :-)

Great shots of the Flycatchers, Warren.
Pleased to hear you`ve still not added owt to the July list ;-)
Hopefully you wont be so pleased after tomorrow Dean :-)
Tis good this bit of banter, isn`t it ?
Looks like heavy over night rain here dean, could bring me a surprise for the morning :-)
Great photos of a Spotted Flycatcher.
Nice Spot fly pics there Warren - you deserve a new July bird for those.
Cheers Dave, Bob.
Best get the spotfly pics while I still can :-)
Super images of the Spotted Flycatcher.
Yes, I too love the SF's Warren, also like the Gatekeeper pic.
Fantastic photos of the juv Spotted Flycatchers Warren...its great that they have successfully bred
Beautiful series of photo on the Spotted Flycatcher. It sounds like you had a nice outing.
Great photos again Warren, I'll try again tomorrow :-)
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