Still warm and sunny today, but change is on the way from Tuesday evening! I thought i'd make the most of the very warm sunshine this afternoon, and visit the Tree Nursery to look for some Butterflies. There were plenty to be seen, with Small, Large and possibly Essex Skippers being the most abundant, they were coming up in 3's and 4's with every step through the weedy hedge line. Meadow Brown were also numerous, and the Brown Argus population has increased as well, at least 8 were found. The easily found Large and Small Whites flitted about on most vegetation, but only one Green Veined White was seen. Three Small Tortoiseshells, and a Red Admiral were basking on the bare patches of earth, but the butterfly of the day for me was the first 2 Gatekeepers of the year, species number 22 :-)
Birds were few and far between, both the LESSER WHITETHROAT and COMMON WHITETHROAT were singing, but they were the only songsters, and a just fledged family of LINNETS were making loud begging calls from deep in the Hedgerow. Up above the ever growing band of local SWALLOWS were feeding, their ranks swollen by the fully fledged young, a few SWIFTS also joined them, but House Martins remained unseen, it's been a poor year for them, and they have not bred on my patch - the first time ive not known them to. A lone BLACK HEADED GULL was noteworthy for July, the only raptor of the day was a SPARROWHAWK, which carried a prey item over to the Wet Woods.
A brief skywatch at Migrant Alley was a partial success, as I added
59) to the months species total, however, a long way off in the distance, a huge bird was seen meandering it's way SE, I had visions of the recently seen Golden Eagle appearing over my patch, but after following it across the skyline it turned out to be a GREY HERON :-) well, I can dream :-)

Above: the first Gatekeeper Butterfly of the year

Above: I took loads of Small Skipper photo's, hoping to ID an Essex Skipper, the one above had the blackest Antennae tips!

Above is one of the Brown Argus' and below a rather worn Small Tortoiseshell

Loads of White Legged Damsels were about, but you're probably fed up with photo's of them, so here's a Common Blue :-)

Lastly, as I sat on my Sky watching seat, I watched this stupid lamb. It stepped over the lowest fence rail, but couldn't get its rear legs over, and so was stuck!! I thought it would eventually get out of the predicament, but it was there for a full ten minutes, so i finally went over and helped it out :-)
Another good Butterfly day Warren, the migrants are on their way :-)
Sorry , Warren, but looking at the position of that sheep, was there a better opportunity ;-)
Dean, After you mate, i'm not fussy :-)
I hope so. I need something to keep me going :-)
Well done! Warren to the rescue :) We have had to help sheep which have rolled onto their backs a couple of times as (I'm sure you know) they can't roll back over unaided.
I though you might be keeping an eye open for that Golden Eagle ;)
Lovely flutter photos.
we was with a lot of sheep on our friends farm in wales but i didnt have to rescue any on this visit.
we was with a lot of sheep on our friends farm in wales but i didnt have to rescue any on this visit.
Haven't seen a Brown Argus since May - little beauties, they are.
I'll not make any sheepish jokes Warren, best keep the Blogs "Clean" mate.
I'll also keep my eyes open for some more Brown Argus too, now you are seeing the 2nd lot. Nice Gatekeeper, Ive yet to see one.
Nice photos Warren. I find shouting "mint sauce" usually helps the lambs over fences :)
You have a Golden Eagle?? Or were you joking?
I dont know what is happening around theese parts Warren...I still havent had a sign of Gatekeeper!
Hi Warren.
Well done with the Cormorant, and Gatekeeper.
Nice to see you doing your good deed for the day.Mind you, you have to be careful approaching a animal form the rear, I hope you wasn't a bit sheepish!!
Sharon, Apparently there is a golden eagle hanging around this part of the world :-) Not sure of its origin though ;-)
Nice work, I look forward to seeing my first ever Brown Argus Warren.
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