I visited the Tree Nursery first again today, but few butterflies were seen, as yesterday, it was only the Meadow Brown, and Skippers that were found. Two WHITETHROATS were singing, three STOCK DOVES flew up out of the wildflower patch, and a PHEASANT called from nearby. I walked up the side of the Pub Field, where the Maize crop is now six feet high, I was hoping for a Sedge or Reed Warbler to fly out in front of me, from the crop into the hedge, but none materialised, more Skippers were seen at the base of the hedgerow though.
The Pub Field takes me out onto Migrant Alley, where a work crew had taken out the old fenceline ( much loved by the migrant Whinchat and Wheatear) They told me a new wooden one was going in, lets hope the migrants like it as much as the wire one :-) I walked the perimeter of the fields, and was pleased to see at least 3 SKYLARK in the sheep pasture, which is now high enough to conceal them now most of the sheep have gone for slaughter, also seen was a mixture of the usual Corvids, WOODPIGEONS, a few LINNETS, PIED WAGTAILS, HOUSE SPARROWS and 4 Juv. SWALLOWS being fed on the fence rails.
A 45 minute Sky watch was had from my usual seat, where LESSER BLACK BACKED, HERRING, and BLACK HEADED GULL were all recorded going over, at least 15 SWIFTS were up feeding with the local Swallows, of which there are around 25 now, and with all those birds in the air it was only a matter of time before the HOBBY showed up, putting them all into panic mode!
I wasn't going to take my camera out today in the dull conditions, but i'm glad I did in the end, as a couple of photo's ended up ok. These WREN shots were taken in the Greenhouse Complex grounds as I walked through on my way home.

The wind was that cold up here that i had a fleece on this morning, Warren.
Great set of pics.
Dean, I had a tee shirt, sweat shirt and a flece on!!
Warren ,
I'd say that that there is no doubt at all about the first Skipper being an Essex .
Well done .
Cheers Greenie :-) Its a case of getting your eye in ;-)
It is indeed a case of getting your eye in Warren and glasses on in my case.
Super Wren and Swallow shots, despite the light!
Super young Swallow shot and there did seem to be an Autumnal feeling about today
Yes Warren, male Essex Skipper, they have shorter sex brands on the wings compared to the Small Skipper as well as the dark antennae.
Nice pics again Warren, can't decide on a favourite but the Swallow maybe just takes it for me :-)
100% Essex Warren...nice one mate!
Great set of shots, Warren. The Wrens are beautiful and the young Swallows are so adorable.
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